About Dykewriter

Nina Tryggvason is Dykewriter.

I used to write poetry, short stories, short novels and screenplays (shorts and features). What I write now is about Raw Recovery towards Living Well.

The Recovery Process includes the Agoraphobic Philosopher’s Diary, The Raw Recovery Specialist and the Comedy Transformation from Shut In Stand Up To Lezzie Bruce.

The restoration of my personality and identity – starting with my sense of humour – since that is one of the main measures of mental health – and being willing to assert myself as a matter of fact rather than as a result of effort.

So to that end, the comedy transformation and the emergence of the Lezflirt workshop are about reforming my identity and sense of self as a single woman at 45.

The Lezflirt workshop remains one of my proudest and happiest memories, because I made up a workshop off the top of my head and turned what was supposed to be a 90 minute debate between me and another dyke into a 3 hour consciousness raising session with 19 participants continuing for 2 more hours at a restaurant.

It occurred to me the connection between self esteem to confidence to flirting was a path for recovery for me and is something that I can teach and help other people with.

Because for the last year, that’s what I have been doing with individuals who I have connected with. Helping them to help themselves.

So…. shifting gears and focus, recreating myself again… means remembering where I came from and what I was and that’s the foundation for who I am becoming. So since one of the ideas that I had was to teach writing, it was something else that I could offer to the world so the inclusion of the subblog  The Rules of Writering and the creative/fiction writing that I share is about purging the past to clear myself for a future.

The Quest for Tears….

I refuse to give up on finding an epic romantic love.

so stay tuned for how this new subblog weaves into and changes the larger story

Additional – July 15, 2013

My Dad has a masters degree in behavioral psychology and had to retired early from the post office.

I come from a long line of civil service with Aunts, Uncles and cousins in public service infrastructure spanning the private and public sectors. I think of my family as the Middle Class Kennedys in Canada, eh?

I worked in 7 federal departments in 13 years, mostling doing emergency preparedness and workplace security.

in my baby dyke days, I was a social activist but I also worked at the Vancouver Women’s Health Collective so I have an extensive training in crisis incidents on top of my emergency prepared incident command training and experience of applying related legislation.

Legislation remains a bitter trigger word. so that’s enough of this for now.

Visibility….Note to Self/Re: visibility

Blog Update

Blogrolled! Back in the Gays

New to the Blogroll: The Great Anti-Vaxxer Debunk

Nina’s Next Song Video!

SubBlog Featurette: Confessions of a teenaged poet

New to the Blogroll: The Tom Lehrer Wisdom Channel

Artist Support Shared: Roy Zimmerman

Karoke Therapy: Prescribed by my Mom

New to the Blogroll: Organ Donation

New to the Blogroll: Kevin Karstens: Why Indeed?

Oh Oprah

Nina: The Talking To towards With; FAQ

Wellbeing – Caretaking and The Placebo Effect

CanadaWatch: Greetings and Other Unpleasantries

Stephen Harper Owes Nina Tryggvason $50

New SubBlog: D’oh Canada

Dykewriter: Today’s post intentionally left blank

Career Achievements Unlocked

Anti-Bully campaign videos

The big Boned Gal Campaign Recap

The Big Boned Gal Campaign

The Lesbian Avenger Call to Action Handbook

Letters from a Skeptic, revisited

Blogroll Addition: Elvis 69-77

Being an Over-experienced community volunteer…

Angles on Je Suis Charlie

Ponderables: Blogging

The Topics Playlist on Dykewriter

Career Achievement Unlocked: Nina’s Nonesense

I’za bad Canuck: Hates Hockey

FoodieWatch: Southern Szechuan

Writer’s Coinage: From Words to Messages on Memes

The Power of Secretary aka Administrative Assistance

welcome to C-51 world – Nina K Tryggvason

Dykewriter Cracks the 30,000 Hitcount!

Observing Nature: The story of life, eh?


Dykewriter Revamped!

Elvis Presley Sectionalized Index Page Added – 2015-07-28

Dykewriter renamed: Nina’s Soap Bubble Box – 2015 – 08-18

Existential – Crisis and Universe 1 & 2

Blogroll Update – August 2015

Elvis Sub-Blog – a dedicated subpage for Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Blogosphere Blagging

Note to self: Bookselfies, Phobias and More, eh!

Public Education Canada: British Columbia Edition

I’ve Got Spam

Project Management: The Recap: 300,000 collective hits

Note to Self: The Bookselfies Sorted-ish

Note to Self: Memes and Memages


And Only The Pause Was Pregnant (stat rollup: 300,000 + collective views – blog)

War on Christmas Index added under ZA

Blogosphere Brag Blag

Archived Blogdex Pages of non-active sub-blogs

Religion vs Reality Memes

Career Ambition Unlocked: Media

Science: The Earth Disciplines – Science memes to Dec 2015

The Political Memes 2013-15

Cultural Design Communication: Covers (Music, Movies & TV show covers)

Funniest Search Terms 2

Games and Gamer Memes

Funny search terms 3

Earth: Civilization Maps – Cartography

Elvis Presley: a life in photos

Drawings and Sketches

Quotable Quotes I quote, eh

Books and what they cover

Scandieurorussian Old World stuff eh

The Beatles Images

King and Queens of Country – C/W images

this is nina

Funny Seach Terms 4

here a book there a cover

queer memes

Canada eh and Oh Canada

Frontier: Cowboys vs Indigenous

From Pan to Mono to nonTheism

Funny search terms 5

Geometric Math is Navigation, Stats are Sociology math to motion memes

TV Shows…Where Tropes Began

White and Black: A spectrum of politics – the Politicians

Music from audio to video: RTI music and music tech and music math of the spheres

POV Post Memes: note to dykewriter

Funny Searches 6th Edition

Movies Posters and meme montages

the 1980s

The 1970s: All sortsa images and memes

The Darker Humours: Gallows and Gall

7th Edition – Funniest Searches

Cartoon Commentary Memes: Pop Up Referentials

Technical Writing Manuals: Books

Elvis in Books

Blogroll: Queer Media

Dykewriter Stats: Blog News

Dykewriter Action Update

Measurables: Numbers

Sub-Blog: Our Daily Elvis  : goto: https://ourdailyelvis.wordpress.com/

Blogosphere Hit Count and new Blog




48 Responses to About Dykewriter

  1. writingthebody says:

    Brave and beautiful blog….good luck with all these things you are doing!


  2. Pat Cegan says:

    Hi, I have been thinking about you. I hope you are well and at peace. I send you much love and a big hug, pat


  3. fjwhite says:

    Nina — thanks for re-posting 3 of my pieces on your blog. Prompted an immediate flood of new visitors. Much appreciated. — Kindest regards, Frank White.at Citizen Action Monitor

    Liked by 1 person

  4. fjwhite says:

    Nina — for favours received, this gift for you — Link to today’s BBC Radio 4 broadcast on the program “Something Understood”. Today’s show is titled “The Fabric of Each Other.” Here’s the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05rktyy

    Here’s the intro to today’s 28-min show – “The friendships of women have been not merely unsung but mocked, belittled and falsely interpreted.” (wrote Vera Brittain in Testament of Friendship, 1940)
    Helen Goalen and Abbi Greenland, who form the theatre company RashDash, reflect on the nature of their strong friendship. They’ve been the best of friends and close artistic collaborators since meeting at university and explore how their experience relates to that of other women, including 19th Century social reformers and feminists Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton.
    They also draw on the writings of Vera Brittain, Winifred Holtby and Tina Fey, as well as music from Alison Goldfrapp, Kate Bush and Amy Winehouse.

    The broadcast will continue to be available for online listening for one week. (No download).
    A list of the music and readings featured appear on the website.

    Best wishes, frankie


  5. HI Nina – saw your name and blog over at Why Evolution is True and have enjoyed checking out your work. Wow – looks like a lot of ideas and good stuff. Should give me a good way to spend many profitable hours…


  6. Ms McKahsum says:

    Hey there Nina 🙂 Nice blog. I get why Elvis brought you to my site haha.
    I didn’t see a way to message you personally, but I wanted to let you know I’m going to write a blog post referencing our responses to my last post. Mostly, I wanted to let you know that it’s not personal and I actually think you’re doing a great job over here. I know it has the possibility to feel personal since I’m using your response, but it really is meant to show my generic point of view, it just so happens that you responded, could have been anyone. Any way, I know we don’t know each other and weird things ensue when one person takes another persons actions personally. SO, again, totally not personal, totally my opinion, totally doesn’t mean harm. All the best, Mari


    • dykewriter says:

      That is way hellakewl!

      No worries it’s all about ideas and sharing them – and again – I do not disagree with your premise

      mass culture reinforces social behaviours and monkeys see, monkey do – Elvis is a the last person I have in common with anyone, but I am unlike most Elvis fans – I think He is responsible for his career and death, not other people. he chose that


  7. Hi, we kind of visited on my blog last night. I wanted to thank you for coming and commenting. You gave me room to explain my train of thought further and made me think more about what I was trying to say. Please come back and visit again if the mood strikes you. *waves and wanders off*

    Liked by 1 person

  8. crystalyne says:

    Nina, it seems like you dropped off the face of the earth


    • dykewriter says:

      um. I am agoraphobic, I did drop off the face of the earth. Also facebook banished me. Hello….


      • Shawn says:

        What did you think of the book?
        I found a publisher for it

        Liked by 1 person

      • dykewriter says:

        Shawn? omg!!!! I really meant to read it within a month, but I haven’t been able to read long text portions, I am afraid to read something I know will make me cry, the script versions I read before were excellent.

        I am happy you found a publisher!

        that last post on Zoe really upset me to get picked on when I was trying to do something cool on the board with Freddie


  9. crystalyne says:

    Well, tragically Zoe has kind of become a place where the hipsters hang out and give out regular doses of sarcasm and vile

    I have not posted there in awhile

    I am now rewriting “Who I Am” as a novel. It’s new title is I Am Rosemary’s Granddaughter”


    • dykewriter says:

      that sounds freaking AWESOME!

      I see you’ve prepped the promo blog too!

      I had no idea who you were when you posted last night and I have been feeling really guilty about your book, I have the parcel where I can see it every day. it is difficult to explain, but I am really excited to get to help you online with promos.

      we can do cross blog posts!


    • dykewriter says:

      it is where the never gonna bes hang out and play more bitter than thou.


    • dykewriter says:

      This horror novel guy I was promoting on facebook, I told him that I had a woman freak out that I was a satanist because she did not understand the concept of fiction. I gave him the whole discussion thread and said you can’t buy publicity like that – I did a blog post and everything about it. it was funny.


  10. crystalyne says:

    As soon as I get my blog up and running correctly.

    My editor has told me that I may need to change the title to To Be A Different Someone
    Due to how some could take offense to FLAW or the full title, even though, the character would say something like that and no one who has read it this far has complained

    I also have to remove the chapter titles (we don’t want Shania Twain to sue)

    Liked by 1 person

    • dykewriter says:

      You could approach her, she might be willing to endorse it. She is Canadian and it’s very trendy topic wise and you inject some class and humanity that is sadly lacking and you can actually quote me on that if you think it will help. a canadian dyke cried at the script version. it’s a very real endorsement. 🙂


    • dykewriter says:

      also, you maybe able to do it under fair use and referential. music is all about borrowing licks after all.


    • dykewriter says:

      wait. Kim Harrison had to stop useing Clint Eastwood movie titles for her supernatural rom com The Hollows series….


  11. crystalyne says:

    Either way, I think it will work out. I can use the title but i would have to tone down every chapter referencing a shania Twain song. Do you think the title is derogatory? (Someone said it was insulting to a transperson)

    I’m thinking that the character in the book would say it and who am I to say she can’t ?


  12. crystalyne says:

    I’m not sure I can minimize the title unless I use the acronym and that will lose people.


    • dykewriter says:

      It is about talking to 2 levels of audience, those who already know, vs those about to learn.

      the title is just the come on clue to the theme, which the plot storytells and underscores the A and B plotting lines.


  13. crystalyne says:

    We’re entitling it “To Be a Different Someone” and interesting enough, two days later the mainstream media kept repeating “just because someone feels like a woman…”

    Liked by 1 person

  14. swordwhale says:

    “and being willing to assert myself as a matter of fact rather than as a result of effort.” this struck me, resonates with me, and is something I myself am working on… the idea that we are worthy as who we are, not as what we achieve.

    Carry on!

    Liked by 1 person

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