LezFlirt 401

LezFlirt 401: masterclass

These posts include a discussion or topics for consideration using examples of conversations that I have on line, which may or may not be flirting – it’s hard to know how the other person takes the conversation – on line and in person.

so let’s look and discuss how we talk, how we  can learn to read other people and realize when and when you are not being flirted with or coming across like you are flirting – flirt with intention, but don’t overlook happy accidents either!

dear straight people

Writer Chat 9 – Sexuality and Fluid Conversations

Fetish Friendly Flirtationship

Butch/Femme a critique

Flirtationships in random encounters

Sex. Love and Life

Advanced Masters Level

Cruise of Death

Queer: Life in Hard Mode

live laugh love, repeat when necessary

the laminated list featurettes

Theory of Relatability: Player One seeking Player Two

LezFlirt Romances: Elvis and The Beauty Queen!

ElvisWorld: Sex, Fantasies and Marriage