Defining “Lesbro”

The word “Lesbro” is a term of friendzone affection between lesbians and heterosexual men. It is the complete opposite of the Fag/Fag Hag relationship.

This is dedicated to the best Lesbro I ever had, The Anonymous Lesbro – one who refused to take any credit for his essential contribution, without which, this would have been a blog on Web 2.0 that few read, and a website in 1.0 that got a half million hits, with three quarters being from usa military servers.

this is going to be in the front of the revised flirting manual for the workshop I did for the Queer Community centre back in the decade it was called the Gay and Lesbian Centre. and, by today’s standards, would be deemed harassment. in the work place or in some public places, anyway.

The 1990s Lesbian Flirting 101 workshop became “Lezflirt” in web 1.0 as a site and in web 2.0 as a blog.

LezFlirt International

Lezflirt 101

Lezflirt 201

Lezflirt 301

LezFlirt 401

Lezflirt 501

In Web 3.0, it’s just free data.


Dear Group, and the worst part is

that the more an expert a person is in a subject, the dumber they get about it Memories: ed301 Attending a Domestic

Dear Group, and the worst part is

that the more an expert a person is in a subject, the dumber they get about it Memories: ed301 Attending a Domestic

Dear group, by 2012 I saw a relationship abuse checklist while surfing facebook and I realized, I hit every single line item

and this post that I did, at the blog at the time, was my trying to fool myself

Fighting can strengthen your relationship

2011 Just Before the Lesbian Divorce

The Lesbian “Practically Republican” Housewife

The Lesbian “Practically Republican” Housewife

The Lesbian “Practically Republican” Housewife

2011 – I had gone on a cruise that I did not want to go on, and the predictable happened, just has I had read in an article about a social trend in Japan in 2007

retire and go cruising get divorced

there is nothing like an expensive vacation to discover, you are married to the wrong person, eh

2018 and there is 12 years of quality left on the planet; unless drastic action is taken #IdleNoMore#LestWeForget

Coatless Canadians in Alaska

I just had a terrible awful marvellous scathing idea, eh

A true Lesbian Date Story

in a movie theatre packed full of lesbians of all types

the penultimate fingernail clipping scene leaving the theatre breathless

the character congratulate them fisting on the couch and honestly I can only think that the British Columbia Film Classification Board had any clue of what was being shown

one character says “On the couch, that’s hard.”

without a beat, my date and I say “no, it’s not”

the theatre laughed in surprise, knowing and relief.

this movie is why the L Word tv show was so disappointing, eh.

my fave dyke movie, it was the first one that was not about coming out or the butch dying so the femme could be returned to heteroville.

lesbian jokes from the 1990 in Canada, eh

Nina From Canada, eh
did you ever hear that joke from the 1990s: why do lesbians have their noses pierced? so they can breath during sex!

bernadette ring

Nina From Canada, eh
what do two femmes do in bed? each other’s make up

what do two butches do? count ceiling tiles.

Jacie The Moo Queen!!!Sexuality: A, Bi, Mono or Pan1wAny tips for first time getting a girlfriend? I never had one before..Shared publicly•View activity

Nina From Canada, eh's profile photo

Rule Number One, Manners, Doors and Chairs, pull em out and use them, Open the doors, pull out the chairs and speak respectfully, and if you both do it, eventually, you’ll fall into a pattern of personality and don’t get hung up on identity, eh. the Transvestite – Norse Mythology for Smart People

“These men are finding new stages on which to express their queerness, collapsing gender barriers in the world of dance.”How a Group of Gay Male Ballet Dancers Is Rethinking Masculinity

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