The Big Boned Gal Campaign

underwear rule


I really hope not

because those backwards and forward projections

are the only way for inter-generational offices to be able to communicate

we are seeing divergent evolution in action

humans are beginning to specialize in unique ways

depending on resource access and allocation

even the English language is becoming so decentralized and fragmented

it’s getting harder and harder to talk to people

especially owing to the way that so many people talk at instead of to.

bad enough that in person, most people only watch your face to see when your lips stop moving so they know it’s their turn again.

Yesterday, I did something that I am proud of myself for.

I was in a conversation on my writer pal Robert Peate‘s timeline

and I defended a person whom I would normally be on the opposite side of the usual argument that I have with her kind of person.

But someone that I would normally agree was, was rude above and beyond disagreeing in the discussion.

I called him on it and made a new friend. Facebook friend, but who knows. we might talk.

(I always rely on the kindness of strangers…)

and if there’s one thing that Tennessee Williams taught us

is that ….. well.. no everyone he wrote about was pretty much a train wreck.

I think he’s the first gay celebrity that I know a woman who claimed to have had sex with him.

Those het people. can’t leave queers alone either way. LOL.




You know

if homophobic people want to boycott anything queer

they can start with computers

which pretty much means

they are gonna have to live naked in the woods

Wicca Snap.





big boned gal

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