So the Civ, as the Citizens, when in et cetera etc …

Quantum Brains: Use’em or Lose’m – Draft 1

425898_494037857326977_1371800356_nwhat is art

From Dark to Light, towards the Centigrade of understanding, perception, intensity, opacity: the colour scale, spectrum through perception, abstract interpretations, represenating, shadows, contrasts, nuances, symbolic and abstract meaning. life informs art and art life – made of the materials one has access to and is provided with.

exercise meidation

Your brain is a blob of goo that stores memories, maintains the body casing and chassis.

Experience of Now, becomes The Then, then you, but you also learned of thus and so of the way the world goes round on it’s axis, never varying off tilt. or so we thought, December 2004, the Earth Wobbled on it’s Axis and the undersea volcano created a current wave in water – the shock wave under water, containing the ash & lava, but pushing on the fault boundary so as to create a tsunami wave the height displacement the force of the volcano, and it encountered not a solid continent, but a coastal shore and series of islands, which broke up the wave and caused, convex and concave amplification of the waves, 250,000 humans lost lives – and I remember in one case, a whole tourist beach was saved because of a grade school little girl who convinced her Daddy that she understood what the wave pattern meant, she’d learned it in school – and the Father listened and announced the danger and lives were saved on that beach.

connected framework conflict

We judge each other from all sorts of demographics, it’s patently foolish on it’s face, the history wheel repeats. famine and feast, boom and bust cycles. each to their own, self or own kind? yet we are more interdependant than ever before and we live in an age were fewer people actually know how to grow and store and prepare their own food, civilization as it has been long noted is three meals away from collapse.

commuter dog201522-racoon-ttc1

Feral Dogs ride the Russian Subways to beg for food downtown, while in Canada, the raccoons haul aboard and help themselves eh? Public Pets, companions to none…

raw recovery specialist 2013 ghchart

Us v Them in Religious thinking has long held people back, modern neo-paganism the spirituality of the religion minus the social context of it is, is not much more than the last gasp of religion, the Fallacy of the Ancients and bowing to Authority over authoritarian collectivism and egalitarian equality.

America was founded on the idea of the Individual as the social unit of consequence, citizens now demand papers of each other and mete out capitol punishes for walking while a demographic unliked….

Segregation never, Integration now – Homo Sapiens – same type thinking being…it is something that is supposed to be self evident, but if such a thing were possible, we wouldn’t even need the language to express it and everyone would embody it, rights remain geographic and demographic or combination thereof, dependant.

If Christmas was everyday, the world would be more like Canada, eh…

Population to technology population markers

Days On, Days Off. GIGO, work and life balance…

life in the lobby flex fantasy

Writering Coinage: Godbot

vikings 3d

Religion by any name is terrorism

Europe Elvis Elvis Ben Griffin 2 1

News Aversion Therapy: CBC vs BBC


Work, Clothing and Customs

harbour side scenery porn

Scribes: The Origins of Bureaucracy

Toronto Canada Vancouver

Pyramids: Ritual Life, Death Rife

Grade 6 grade 11

Tunguska Event and Aftermath

Xena power up Sabre Rattling

Advocating Rape is a hate crime

uh huh huh wellll 9 virtues runes diabetics THISONE homeless reflects society Cruise ship glacier bay pollution

a collapsing economic system

a collapsing economic system

mental health circadian rhythms

Researchers have taken amazing 3D images of butterflies developing within their chrysalis. See the images and a video here:

Researchers have taken amazing 3D images of butterflies developing within their chrysalis. See the images and a video here:

Pyschology today Fqxflf1 pompeii

Archaeology, Anthropology, Sociology, Behavioral-ism and Psychology, the Humanities “soft sciences”, which are supported by the hard sciences of Mathematics, and Physics and Chemistry and then Biology and Geology: Inter-disiplinary, complimentary and cross phenomenon : meanwhile “religions” tolerate only one and fight hardest with the closest versions of themselves. in and of blood, and if your religion demands such, at least only use your own. keep your religion to yourselves and out of the public square and far from politics. The Secular Law is all to all, not for some over others.

HandGerms elvis and momair and water

the ability to understand numbers, both small and big, to run scenarios of options, chance and probability into likely, unlikely, and a scope and scale of magnitude is the advance of Quantum Computing that so far, only has been detected in homo sapiens, but only rarely. Most live at an ape survival level and frankly, the actual apes are almost extinct. Habitat loss and niche clearing, on the only planet we know of that for sure, has both coffee and chocolate.


Emotions Colour our perceptions of reality, only Albinos are white, Caucasians are more pink to palish brown, depending on long and latitude…They lack a gene, they are not magic, stop harvesting them for parts in voodoo voodun witchcraft and stop burning the practitioners when their showman magic tricks do not work….

reality checking white people

Global Tourism vs Bronze Era Godbots

data yugen

Religion’s Poetry: Pseudo-Profundities

wisdom of the zen mastersDrunkards walkFallout New Vegas

meditation mode engaged

meditation mode

world of warcraft invisibilty visibility

Godbottery: Islam Edition

three way script Alice Walker

Talking to Godbots: The Horror

2 1 compufemes coffee consider this calming down Thinking what to do Grace silence Lezzie Bruce paradise laughter Lezzie Bruce vaginas petre pan high road queericide

if nothing else, suicide proves free will. gallows humour…

Doh ooops thinking convo clips window dino skull OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA marthamchurchstainedglasswindow st-patricks-cathedral-picture strike tryggvason 3 big picture Mister-God-This-is-Anna-178x300 Phantomtollbooth 2 Dilbert Devolutions equality reality silence nine ninas family tree creativity corner SORROW Rainbow crossing 6 gratitude nazi_catholics_04 Thomas Moore time-goes-on Decompose emotional guidance scale S&Ms Canadian War on Queers EYES tears are feelings Government Xena Inside This one life board game edition The Game of life Nina at the Musical Gates penguins social engineering specialist patch social engineering specialist The stupid it burns not a spritz head girlfriend Green Roof at Library Square Nina Inner Images give up or surrender SONY DSC Star Trek kindergarden think-of-the-children The Three Ninas Shark Week Drinking Game Education Princess marg 85 86 Sardis 84 85 Saedis 82 83 Nina in Grade 8 His name was raindrop

infinity loop from dark to light breaking out in colour conceptualized march 14, 2013 nina tryggvason

infinity loop
from dark to light
breaking out in colour
conceptualized march 14, 2013
nina tryggvason


Garbage or Gold what goes in determines what comes out

Garbage or Gold
what goes in
determines what comes out

if you dwell in darkness and refuse to see the light it doesn't matter which side of the divide that you are on

if you dwell in darkness
and refuse to see the light
it doesn’t matter which side of the divide that you are on

forget your troubles

I used to ask people which they wanted? Wings that Worked or a Prehensile Tail everyone picked wings I picked a tail now. I want wings that work

I used to ask people which they wanted?
Wings that Worked or a Prehensile Tail
everyone picked wings
I picked a tail
I want wings that work

“You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.”― Rumi

“You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so don’t.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.”― Rumi

Elvis Gold 1984 85 Nine Ninas first press clipping Nina circa 1992 The Tear Quest Secret Joy psyco break Equality Rated E for Everyone Hillary 2 Hillary 3Hillary 1

Failed aspirations.....

Failed aspirations…..

I am working through failed dreams issues

I am working through
failed dreams issues

nises by nina

1987 me and my Aunt Olof at Graceland

1987 me and my Aunt Olof at Graceland

Recorded Sound not the jackass whisperer water disrupted Steinbeck Dreamers no and pla  ebos 13 things

Greening the City Scape

Viking Green Roof Library Square Green Roof

this is the same as any woman who's had sex is deemed to not have been raped. the victims are not on trial. yet that is what happens all the time.

this is the same as any woman who’s had sex is deemed to not have been raped.
the victims are not on trial. yet that is what happens all the time.

10 thinking out loud 11 Rethinking

Elvis was the Hillbilly Cat, But Freddie had cats

I am a soft butch repressed librarian type who adores femmes

I am a soft butch repressed librarian type who adores femmes

My ancestors spent 3.8 billion years evolving out of the primordial oooze, and I all got was this lousy t-shirt

My ancestors spent 3.8 billion years evolving out of the primordial oooze, and I all got was this lousy t-shirt

from April 2012: I never thought that I would do one of these lost weight photos - BUT - here I am. I became a vegan/raw foodie this year and am the lowest weight that I have been in 6 years. over 60 pounds and several clothing sizes. I look like a circus clown because I hate shopping for clothes and I am still am unwilling to buy anything for right now. so now i am down to obese instead of morbidly so. YAY me

from April 2012: I never thought that I would do one of these lost weight photos – BUT – here I am.
I became a vegan/raw foodie this year and am the lowest weight that I have been in 6 years.
over 60 pounds and several clothing sizes. I look like a circus clown because I hate shopping for clothes and I am still shrinking…so am unwilling to buy anything for right now. so now i am down to obese instead of morbidly so. YAY me

Fairy dust

Childhood memories Grease was the first movie that I saw two times in the theatre. When I think about that movie now the message that you should have to change yourself to get someone horrifies me

Childhood memories
Grease was the first movie that I saw two times in the theatre.
When I think about that movie now
the message that you should have to change yourself to get someone
horrifies me

Raw Recovery Lezzie Philosopher

History Channel’s Lost Worlds

We need shows that claim to be about history to actually be historic and academic and stop pandering to the masses allegedly supposed to be educating.

The Elvis Shut In nation of change

An Atheist fondly remembers childhood church experiences

tHE gAL WHO LIVED seriiusly doh

Constructing the Human Condition: Nurture Nature, eh?

sudden realization Canadian War on Queers

Conjecture: About that Brain-Immune System Connective System

ninacover.jpg central park jogger

Movie Standards and Authenticity: Equality is not Served by Nudity

emotional-energy-centers Emotional-Guidance-Scale

Television: Plato’s Cave 2.0 Technoage Edition

PTSD Emotional-Guidance-Scale

Dear Students Questioning Atheists

11 why nothing gold stays 10 universe is constant

Degrees of Unchurch, Anti-Theist to Atheist

9 dark and light

Where G is quantumly Garbage or Gold

Where G is quantumly

Recovery Process Art Therapy working out emotions, vibrational frequency to cognitive understanding connecting the relationship between your demographic characteristics to determining personality nature vs nurture the nature of the nurture and the nurturing in the nature

Recovery Process Art Therapy
working out emotions, vibrational frequency to cognitive understanding
connecting the relationship
between your demographic characteristics
to determining personality
nature vs nurture
the nature of the nurture
and the nurturing in the nature

cat people dog people bipetual people

cat people
dog people
bipetual people

chances are chances takes them

chances are
takes them

How Hate Crimes become terrorism

3 birth order I am canadian

Born Again Atheists

BC Place roof collapse Library Square rooftop garden

Blogosphere: Counter Creationist

workstation 2004 - 2007  2006, peak formidable

What to do about Terrorism?

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1 Response to So the Civ, as the Citizens, when in et cetera etc …

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