Our Daily Elvis for June 11, 2018

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 11

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977


A star was born at Nashville’s Grand Old Opry when Hank Williams performed his new single, “Lovesick Blues.” He was called back for six encores, a Ryman Auditorium record.

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

June 11, 1955

Fats Domino’s “Ain’t That A Shame” reached #1 R&B for eleven weeks and was his first single to cross to pop at #10.

Elvis performed at the Louisiana Hayride, Shreveport.

Elvis with Jim Reeves and Leon Post (wearing sunglasses) backstage at the Hayride June 1955

The RCA Victor Atomic Powered Singer

June 11, 1956

Time magazine of June 11, 1956, mockingly referred to…

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Our Daily Elvis for June 10, 2018

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 10

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

June 10, 1955

Elvis performed at the American Legion Hall, Breckenridge, Texas. The other acts were Onie Wheeler
Fonda Wallace, Dee-Don & Dean Beard, Ben & Denna Hall, Weldon Myrick

Thats All Right
I Dont Care If The Sun Dont Shine
Tweedle Dee
Blue Moon Of Kentucky

The RCA Victor Atomic Powered Singer

June 10, 1956

Pat Boone was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with ‘I’ll Be Home.’ Boone scored over 30 UK Top 40 hit singles during the 50’s and early 60’s and was the second biggest charting artist behind only Elvis…

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It’s Beginning to look a lot like a War on Christmas

“good, all-American white evangelical Christians” and “social justice warrior heathens who just think they’re Christian”.”

Here’s the reason why fewer Americans are Christian that evangelicals don’t want you to know


no one is stopping anyone from saying “merry christmas”

christians have to stop expecting other people to take it as a good thing

or demand that others say it to them

a greeting of a meaningless consumer holiday

America would be more like Canada, if they let christmas be what they suggest it means

and for a religion based on a character who kicked money changers out of the temple, it’s not the former, but the latter, eh.

Court rules against religious exemptions in gay wedding invitation case using cakeshop logic

War on Christmas


Wedding cakes aren’t the only LGBTQ issue in front of the Supreme Court

2 years of republican obstructionism preventing Obama from appointing to the supreme court

creating a backlog, followed by breaking the rule of law to appoint Gorcsh

while treating treaties between nations as mere business deals one can bankrupt on.

America is in more than a constitutional crisis.

No Health Care, no Equality and no rule of law.

Lest We Forget.

War on Christmas


The parallels between Nazi Germany & the U.S. today

Is this supposed to be an earth-shattering revelation? I thought everyone learned history in grade school!


too many Americans home school

and apparently, reality and history, like science

is up to individual students to decide

even Canada has/does have holocaust deniers

never mind the overwhelming documentation done by Germany

with IBM providing many of the office machines.

While I have no problem with the article generally, I felt that it too focused and lacked a view of ‘the bigger picture’. The article is entitled ‘ The parallels between Nazi Germany and the U.S. today’, but I found little direct comparisons – most of the article was a basic lesson in Nazi ideology which many of us know too well already. I looked several times and could not find the name ‘Trump’ anywhere nor anything that specifically relates to what is going on in the USA at the moment in terms of government attacks on minorities, particularly the lgbtq+ community.
I have said many times on this site that there are very obvious comparisons to be made between government of Nazi Germany and the current USA administration – particularly focusing on Trump and Hitler as leaders, demagogues and narcissists.
The article is a short lesson on Nazi attitudes, but, for me anyway, adds nothing new.


they should have mentioned the broken US Supreme Court

the Trump family working in the white house without security clearances

which also makes me wonder if Trump passed his or do they have to undergo one?

didn’t political parties used to do that in the nomination process?

the ending of health care, and sorting the population into preferred groups of getting to live and being oppressed on the way to genocide

lest we forget


1. Powerful and continuing nationalism
2. Disdain for human rights
3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
4. Rampant sexism
5. Controlled mass media
6. Obsession with national security
7. Religion and government intertwined
8. Corporate power protected
9. Labor power suppressed
10. Disdain for intellectual and the arts
11. Obsession with crime and punishment
12. Rampant cronyism and corruption

Business analysis shows the religious right outrage industry is failing fast

Can’t they find some helpful advice in The Goat-Herder’s Guide to the Galaxy, er, I mean the Bible for turning this around? Oh wait, they’ve been following it all along. That’s their problem.


the problem is that they follow a book

that was never meant to be a book

nor read by the flock of punters

each of whom thinks they are important to a universe creating god
who created a garden for a private peep show
and is obsessed with genitalia

the buybull is the dead sea scroll version of the internet

propaganda, poetry and porn.


Posted in bisexual, Gay, lesbian, LGBTQ, transgender, Zeitgeist Analytics | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Our Daily Elvis for June 9, 2018

give us this day, our Daily Elvis

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 9

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era


The above receipt, dated June 9, 1954, was for a two-sided acetate recording made by Elvis Presley. Sun records studio was originally called Memphis Recording Service opening in January 16 1950

Elvis cut two sides (master 0914-A and 0914-B) on Saturday, 6/5, and picked up his acetate dub on Wednesday, 6/9. This documentation is likely for a song like, perhaps, Casual Love Affair. The flipside is likely another slow country ballad with just Elvis on guitar, i.e. not Without You since Elvis paid for the acetate. The receipt is very similar to the one for I’ll Never Stand in Your Way It Wouldn’t Be the Same Without You

Acetate Receipt | Casual Love Affair – Elvis Presley Music

June 9, 1955

With Ferlin Huskey, Martha Carson, The Carlisles, J.E. & Maxine Brown, Onie Wheeler –…

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Let Your Pride Flag Fly

Could this new more inclusive flag replace the rainbow flag?

Dear designer

Consider that graphics will also be printed,

too complex and too many colours, make printwork too expensive

I think we need to start a new flag design completely


Why? Why redesign a flag which already represents all?


The current flag was designed in the 1970
to be somewhat aligned with the chakra concepts

pink and teal were originally in the scheme, before the 6 rainbow colours were finalized as being print-cost effective across community groups

for Gays and Lesbians, the out 2 groups that mainstream knew about

back then and well into the 1990s, bisexuals were tourists
drag/transgender was fringe and queer was something decadent white people did; I don’t think everyone in the community has that sense of being represented or included in, eh?

it’s 2018, and we’re LGBTQ most places, LGBT2 in Canada

so the community needs to renew and re-identify inclusively

and more than “not heteronormative” as common ground.

196 nations in the world and only 26 have marriage equality

and in too many; queer is a death sentence

we have a global identity now, not just in the supposed to be secular western parts

Cooper’s Donuts. Compton’s Cafeteria. Stonewall. All places where those who were not welcome at the mainline gay clubs gathered. All places where harassment by the police erupted into riots. All begun by the non-binary and trans latino and black people. And what groups were excluded for years by the white gay cis-gender males who took over the early pride movement? It’s time for inclusion. Both at the events and on the colors that represent the movement. I will fly it with PRIDE!


took over?

revisionism at it’s finest

white gays and white lesbians were the first out because they have privilege to leverage and a social position to be public from

“non-binary” is a recent identity and should not be inserted into the previous century analysis or commentary about events.

so where is the wheelchair symbol … we exist in the community too … oh, wait, the purpose of the rainbow flag was to symbolize diversity and difference, I guess that’s where I fit in … the moment you change it to add others, instantly you begin leaving out even more. Inclusion is everyone under the rainbow. Leave it alone.


the flag colours were never meant to be demographics, but attributes of personhood

Hot pink Sex
Red Life
Orange Healing
Yellow Sunlight
Green Nature
Turquoise Magic/Art
Indigo Serenity
Violet Spirit

and, it’s been modified from time to time, over time

there are also other flags in the community than the main pride one

every sub-group has their own from demographics to fetishes

Progress? What progress? It’s been 49 years since Stonewall and LGBT people still have no federally-protected civil rights. LGBT people in 29 states have no civil rights at all. The right-wing backlash since the SCOTUS gay marriage ruling has led to increased violence, a rollback of rights and challenges to laws that were designed to protect us. Since Trump’s election, the bigots are emboldened and anti-gay/anti-trans violence has increased. I feel less safe, less protected, less free and less hopeful about the future than I did 5, 10 or even 20 years ago.
Progress? We’ve made no progress.


26 nations of 196 have marriage equality

even Amnesty International finally included queer people in the mandate of prison concerns.

America is lagging behind where it could have been

but is now a theocracy with a broken supreme court.


Not to mention we treat each other worse than any other group treats us. No matter what we are never good enough for each other; nor are we young enough or attractive or successful enough. When did it stop being about the strength and courage it took to come out and start becoming about what you look like and how much money you have?
Gay marriage is legal yet hardly any of us know how to find a relationship or then how to keep one going for more than six weeks. I often ask myself why I even bothered coming out. It’s been nothing but disappointment and now hopelessness. Not only is there little to no chance to find a relationship but it’s almost impossible to find a nice person to be friends with.


I agree with you

if LGBTQ can’t be better to each other, then we can’t demand heterosexuals treat us well

as if they are kind to each other

as a community, we have to do better by each other

and especially for the youth, still being kicked out of their family homes

only to be exploited on the streets

while our seniors are more vulnerable than heterosexuals ones

it was one thing when queer life was short and brutal

but post 1990s. we became a market niche and gained consumer power

now, we have to build that community infrastructure

so we can be people in it.


What you see as brutal infighting is just the normal churn of ideas getting tossed back and forth by people of varying backgrounds and upbringings. We’re not a hive mind. 😉


with 7 billion plus people, Homo Sapiens is a swarm species

beyond packs n prides and even herds.

How is it that we’ve gotten to the point where everyone has to have their own fucking flag? Are we so disparate and alienated that any little variation becomes our whole identity?

Let my try it this way: I am trans, bi, white (English, Irish and German), working class, from Philadelphia, chubby, an avid gamer who owns a PS4, XBOX and Nintendo3DS, fan of Canadian Prog Rock (Rush and ONLY Rush), Russian jazz and 80’s New Wave, into 90’s fashion, fan of crap B- and Z-movies, I have a degree in psychology and formerly had a cosmetology license, I drive a Hyundai and I like corgis. My Mom was a hippie with a Masters in education and my Dad was a Vietnam vet with an engineering degree.

So…do I drastically reduce myself by picking just one of those and waving a flag about it? Should I be mad that the Pride flag misses any of those? Or do I just say I’m a human being?


cars are social status, not personal demographics

what people do, vs what people are

you inflate the former and diminish the latter

but that’s what humans do, reduce other’s personhood, eh.

you would tell those who don’t feel represented that your not having lifestyle factors on par with not recognized personhood identity

you have a degree in psychology, but don’t see that as a problem?
talk about your privilege, eh.

This teacher says he was forced to quit because he had to call trans students by their name

The fact that he calls transgender a ‘lifestyle’ is enough to show his reactionary views. It is not for him to approve or not approve of the transgender students, and it is an outrage for him to claim that he is concerned about the suicide rate – he is adding to it.


queer is more a life with style anyway, eh.

Life in Hard Mode.


Have to remember that one 🙂


feel free, both are memes that have been out there

since before Dawkins coined the word and the internet made memes a specific thing.

related on this blog:

Hardware store posts ‘No Gays Allowed’ sign after Supreme Court cake decision


tell me again how this is different from separate drinking fountains?

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Our Daily Elvis for June 8, 2018

give us this day our daily elvis

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 8

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi



“Texaco Star Theater” starring Milton Berle began an eight-year tenure on NBC-TV.

Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977


A report by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) named celebrities John Garfield, Edward G. Robinson, Danny Kaye, Dorothy Parker, Fredric March, Paul Muni and Helen Keller as members of the Communist Party.

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

June 8, 1955

Elvis performed at the Auditorium, Sweetwater, Texas.

Sweetwater Reporter (June 7, 1955) (Newspaper Ad)

Sweetwater Reporter (June 9, 1955) (Newspaper Ad)

The RCA Victor Atomic Powered Singer

June 8, 1956

Elvis performed at the Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles.

Lot Detail – June 8, 1956…

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Our Daily Elvis for June 7, 2018

Give us this day our daily Elvis

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 7

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

June 7, 1954

With Big Joe Turner’s “Shake, Rattle and Roll” riding high on the Billboard R&B chart, Bill Haley And His Comets enter Decca Records’ New York studio to record the same number. Haley’s version will enter the Pop chart next August for an amazing 27 week run and rise to #7, becoming the first Rock ‘n’ Roll tune to sell a million copies.

June 7, 1955

Lura May Mitchell’s watermelon party in Hope, AR

Elvis and Jim Ed Brown at Lura May Mitchell’s watermelon party in Hope, AR

Image result for Elvis 1955 couch

Ferlin Huskey, Martha Carson, The Carlisles, J.E. &…

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Our Daily Elvis for June 6, 2018

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 6

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

June 6, 1955

Scotty Elvis and Bill playing a football field in New Boston TX.

The RCA Victor Atomic Powered Singer

June 6, 1956

June 6, 1956 Elvis in his Los Angeles hotel room

Elvis at his hotel room in LA before his San Diego show.

Elvis Presley on the Milton Berle Show – The New York Times

Presley Hootchy Coo Virtuoso Article  © The New York Times

June 6, 1957

Jailhouse Rock May 13 to June 17

The Presleys lived at Audobon Drive, Graceland purchased on March 19.

The Military Service Disruption

June 6, 1958

Military service  Fort Hood in Texas.  On Leave at…

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Righter-er: Europe or America?

Dear Europe:

Operation Paperclip informs.

Dear America
see Europe’s Memo

Sounds to me like Grenell is the Joe Kennedy of the Trump regime. When Kennedy was Ambassador in London in the 1930’s he made it clear that he admired the Hitler regime as a bulwark against communism. More outrageously, Kennedy wanted to ship all German Jews to Africa and other places in the Western Hemisphere under the joint administration of Britain and the United States.
This man is supposed to be a diplomat representing the USA – not a ‘mini-me’ Trump. He is not supposed to get involved in the internal politics of the host nation or to encourage any particular political party. Once again we see the result of a Trump appointee being totally unfit for the job he has been given. I am not interested in whether he is gay or not – I am far more concerned about how incompetent and dangerous he is.


imagine if Edward VIII hadn’t abdicated and the UK sided with Germany, eh?

The fact that he’s gay has nothing to do with why he’s hated. The fact that you would put that in a clickbait headline is massively homophobic and counterproductive. Shame on you.


every group has their evil people, we can’t pretend LGBTQ are all nice/good

no matter how much we’d like to

the Log Cabin Republicans exist

and. to be historically accurate, the original Nazi Party had a queer start and they purged those men in a night of slaughter around the time they also destroyed the Sexology Institute, where most major Nazis were patients being studied.

related from my original blog

The Gay Holocaust 1.0 – and preventing American 2.0 edition

From the Holocaust to 9/11: Queer Rights are Human Rights

People become displaced refugees for many reasons…..

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Cake Politics: Ending the Rule of Law

That narrow Supreme Court decision may not stay narrow for long

religion is now a get out of jail free card

free to refuse service, deny rights, rape and murder

and nothing remains narrow in law

unintended consequences and more court challenges

religion is why we don’t have nice things

A pox on conservatives and american conservatism. The Christofascists will not be happy until we are all back in the closet or dead. It is going to take more than just voting if we are to survive.


it is time to declare religion to be the mental illness that it is by the medical profession

and the courts have to correct this error in law that just ended the rule of law, eh?

related on this blog: law, religion and politics

Cake to the Pie Hole: Karmalicious

Ordering Cake and Eating It Too

Something About Cake and eating it too

Pizza Shaming and Shunning

Religionwatch: Pizza Bigots Pwn Other Bigots

Intolerance in the Public Square

A Good Compromise: Equality Under the Law

Courts: Law vs Public Opinion

Hawaiian Pizza and Presidential Powers

religion is now a get out of jail free card
free to refuse service, deny rights, rape and murder

and nothing remains narrow in law

unintended consequences and more court challenges

religion is why we don’t have nice things


If that isn’t fucked up, I don’t know what is. That’s why I’ve never trusted religion in general, Christianity in particular. It’s a get out of jail free card, a license to discriminate, you name it. It’s okay to commit the same transgressions they claim to say is a sin against God. Talk about a double-standard.


It also then creates the challenge of any religion sincerely held,

and the entire point of law is the social contract

so it means every single religion, including those held by individuals

is a get out of law and social consequences?

nice system of morality, eh?

the sincerity of convictions is mere emotionalism
the content of the belief matters,
religion is a poor competitor in the marketplace of ideas

it’s why it demands exceptionalism

religion may not be questioned
Lest We Forget


Christianity is NOT a license to do any of those things. Don’t be a liar as they are. The fundamentalists call their religion Christianity but anything they do that is against what Jesus Christ taught is not Christian. The Old Testament is not Christian. It’s Judaism and they are not one and the same. Because of what the fundamentalists say and do and because a lot of “non-believers” don’t really know what Christ really said and did, which is contained in the four Gospels, there is a lot of misunderstanding as to what Christianity really is and isn’t, just as there is a lot of misunderstanding by heterosexuals about us gay people. I know what I”m talking about because I am both a Jesus person (a red letter Christian) and a gay woman. I came out to a heterosexual man a couple days ago that seemed to think that all gay couples role-play, based on one gay man that he knows who’s in a relationship like that.


“The fundamentalists call their religion Christianity but anything they do that is against what Jesus Christ taught is not Christian.”

No True Scotsman Fallacy, and perhaps you should review the actual history of the religion’s impact, from the Crusades to the current era. Post 9/11 Crusaded 2.0 America Embassy In Jerusalem Edition with Nuclear Weapons; and America is now a theocracy, with a former Reality TV Host in charge.

“religious Freedom” combined with women forcing men to rape them when sex is a no, while gay men forcing men to murder when sex is a yes, and murdering trans when no means yes.”

religion is the force being hate crimes, and fails to teach it;’s members to work or play well with others.

related on this blog: cake

Cutting a Cake and Eating It

Having Cake and Eating it too


I’ve never understood that way of thinking.


it is not thinking, it’s feelings

wishful thinking and delusional

and why religion is mental illness


I agree. All the more reason I don’t belong to any organized religion. I decided early on that I wasn’t going to rely on the Bible to determine what my moral values should be.


I realized early the inconsistency and lack of history in Christianity, the first religion I was exposed to.

I went by choice to church, not force, until I found out about the tv show “Kids Are People Too”

which had a better message than church

and personhood considerations under the law

the idea that one’s dignity depends on others conferring it is odd indeed.

I agree. I’ll have to check out the video. I didn’t go to church until I was in high school. I went to a Unitarian Universalist church in Kirkland, where I grew up.


it was mostly a 1970s talk show aimed at kids with young celebs on it.

that said, you might be more interested in more adult fare:from 2007, a university paper:

When Morality Opposes Justice: Conservatives Have Moral Intuitions that Liberals may not Recognize by Jonathan Haidt and Jesse Graham

back to LGBTQ:

Woman arrested for making ‘terroristic threats’ against Buffalo Pride

hate crimes are domestic terrorism

Posted in Agoraphobic Philosopher, bisexual, Gay, lesbian, LGBTQ, Raw Recovery Specialist, transgender | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments