Our Daily Elvis for June 15, 2018

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 15

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

June 15, 1955

Elvis performed at the Belden High School Gym, Belden, Mississippi. In order to avoid being mobbed, Elvis had to crawl through a back window. He ripped the seat of his pants, which he had to held together during his performance with a safety pin.

Other acts were Onie Wheeler, The Miller Sisters, The Simmons Brothers, Bob Ritter

The RCA Victor Atomic Powered Singer

June 15, 1956

At Audobon Drive with June

Romance: June Juanico

June 15, 1957

After UK radio stations started playing copies of Elvis Presley’s “All Shook Up” which were intended…

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A Rare Lesbian Post on Dykewriter, eh!

The World Cup has barely started but gay fans are already being bashed & arrested in Russia


it is the people who sports

Sports are not separate from people

it is tribalism and peacetime war games


except i played sports, but was never a bully, but they weren’t school sports.

some sports are, mainly the team ones like football, soccer, even baseball to a degree. its the culture most parts of society foist on those who play the sports. i was always taught that it wasnt about winning, but about doing your best, trying to do better when you make a mistake, etc. but i never did football even though my jhs coach wanted me to. only did a bit of basketball (i sucked) and baseball/tball/little league


I only did sports as part of school requirements

and never understood people gorging on food and sitting on the couch to watch other people get exercize.


i did when i was younger, for my mother, she thought my claims were because i had no father in the picture, and it would man me up, lol. later only when i had pe but i took things like ROTC so in HS i didnt have real PE at all. i did take weight training for a year.


Gym Teacher and Social Worker are the lesbian stereotypes for how many decades now?

being a Tomboy was easier than a Sissyboy

Phys Ed was required until grade 11 in British Columbia
and it always bothered me that the academic classes had for everyone and then for the education challenged, whereas, we all had to take the same level of gym class

which only served to make it harder to appreciate sports, when it was the Jocks n Mean Girls revenge for all the academic classes.

I never understood why the adults acted like childhood or teen years were the best years

How horrid to tell youth that life is reduced in value over decades

but I guess that’s why people think Romeo and Juliet is a romance, rather than pretty much every parents nightmare, eh?



Teresa, I want to thank you for this discussion;

I was called a lesbian in high school, because of all the celeb pictures that I put in my locker door there was one Olivia Newton John, so because I had 1 woman among all the Elvis, Duran Duran, Rick Springfield, Brat Packers, I was a dyke to the other students.

in 2018, there is a school board trustee in Chilliwack British Columbia

who is queer bashing, and that is the high school district

where I was first bullied by students, being called a lesbian
in the gym locker room back in the 1980s

and at that school, is where I really started to stand up to bullies

if you can imagine a trashy blonde in a leather jacket (the bully)

vs me in a tweed blazer with leather elbow patches, blue collar shirt and a pale blue tie – I was just before Duran Duran got big and girls started dressing new wave – and wearing a 1940s fedora that my grandfather gave me that had been his.

serious music video fodder/brat pack movie/abs school after school special too.

the leather jacket bully was picking on a girl in a younger grade

she was the youngest of 4 children, all of whom had been school bullies and a reform school family – and had shown up withh 30 12th graders from the only other high school

to beat up one 8th grader

the bully and I were in the 9th grade together

so they were on one side of the playground, just off school grounds

and me and my younger sister – with her friend, the victim on the other

we waited, they taunted verbally

so after 15 mintues, I told the other 2 we were leaving and going back to school grounds – by this time, some students had reported the group sighting and the rumour mill broke the school yard code

but I had no idea that the Vice Principal was on the way

so we left, and the group propelled the bully after the three of us

She pulling off her leather coat to fight, her crowd cheering the bully being the crown of the family’s bully offspring, busting her bully cherry I suppose.

I turned and handed my hat to my sister and my blazer to her friend.

the bully put back on her leather jacket, her crowd too far away

and now the Vice principal arrived, with other students to watch the show

He asked me if he missed the fight.

I said, no, it’s just started.

He dispersed that crowd that day, and there was harassment over the semester oddly, it was the 2 bullies and the victim who were suspended

by the end of the year, which included a fight on the shared schoolbus route and an inside the school fight over 2 floors.

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Our Daily Elvis for June 14, 2018

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 14

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


une 14, 1950

Hank Williams recorded “Honky Tonk Blues.”

Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era


Americans took part in the first nation-wide civil defense test in preparation for a possible atomic attack.


Elvis performed at the Bruce High School Gym, Bruce, Mississippi. Elvis appeared with Onie Wheeler and the Miller Sisters. Elvis was paid $ 450.

The RCA Victor Atomic Powered Singer

June 14, 1956

Singer Mel Torme, for example, said, “I was shocked to hear that a man of integrity like Hal Wallis had referred to Presley as a great dramatic actor. It just shows how far a…

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No Theism

fictional “Jesus” had 2 dads, was unmarried and hung out with 12 other men and 1 prostitute

there was no historic Jesus, and in ancient times, bisexual was more the norm

at least for decadent wealthy people who had leisure time for pleasures

mediation/prayer and sex are all processed in the same purity/disgust/arousal part of the brain.


I suggest you read “Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth” by the academic and author Bart Ehrman

It might help you to do a little Bible study with a progressive clergy person or academic so that you might learn that the Bible was not intended to be read as history.


the bible, pronounced Buy Bull

was never meant to be a book, nor read by the public

is the dead sea scrolls version of the internet

poetry, propaganda and porn

perhaps you should learn the edit history and about the religion

if Constantine had picked Mithras, you’d be a Mitherian

and I’d still be an atheist


The Bible can be read that way but my belief is that you miss the rich spirituality and humanity of the book because like the fundamentalist Christians you take it far too literal.

You say you are an atheist. Can you tell me what you mean by that?



atheist means no theism

what you are basically saying is only focus on the nice parts

to which I say, expect the Spanish Inquisition and

the proverb about the frog in the water pot informs

Lest We Forget


Bart Ehrman concluded there may have been a historical man named Jesus, but the gospels have nothing to do with him. Written by men of high education in Greek rather than in the low-brow Aramaic the illiterate disciples spoke the gospels are unreliable as history, admits Ehrman, the former fundie. The first person to write about Jesus was Paul, and Paul never met Jesus in the flesh. Paul’s Jesus was a mere voice in his head. He never encountered a man named Jesus. And his anecdotes about meeting various apostles were added later to make him seem legit when there was a fight within the church.


In his book “Did Jesus Exist?….” Bart Ehrman makes a very strong case that historical Jesus did exist. While sacred scripture should not be read as history, to say that the Gospels have nothing to do with Jesus does not make sense to me. The Bible is our only source of anything to do with Jesus. Ehrman does not believe that the figure we call Jesus was a fictitious person made up by the writers or just folklore and in his book he does refute that theory.

I am aware that Paul never met Jesus but Paul was versed in the teachings of Jesus and knew Jesus’ brother James and probably other disciples as well. I don’t think it’s very accurate to say Jesus was a mere voice in his head.




There is neither spirituality (a vague and meaningless term which means whatever the person saying it wants it to mean), nor is there humanity. In fact, the bible is anti-human because it condemns all of humanity. It is mythology of the nastiest kind.


I disagree. I think it is unfortunate that you read the Bible in such a negative manner but that’s up to you. I choose to take a more positive approach


and you are being disagreed with.,

with your emotionalist judgements dismissed

as is your ignoring objective reality premise.

Your arguments are not merely childish and uncompelling
but the best case against religion as a framework.

the pyramids of Egypt where built by paid labour

we have the payroll records and the worker villages

so Jews were never slaves there, that story falls apart,

then there;’s King Herod, who was real and dead the year before the alleged birth

and Rome never did a census, King James of England had that story inserted in te 17th century so they could do a census

and Nazareth was built in the 3rd century by Rome

and given the zero documents Rome had a this alleged Jesus, variation of the Moses story

so when you understand what we know, and how we know it

supernatural claims, no matter the name, have proved zero evidence and failed to explain anything meaningful about the world we exist

and your “spirituality” is merely imposing a human scale on the university that is so much bigger;

religion does not explain or predict, it is the original pyramid scheme

money for nothing and altar boys for free.

religion fails to provide moral ethics and is merely a system of power and mass control.

Lest We Forget


if you can’t be a good example
at least be a cautionary tale




oppressees do not have to admire the oppressors

and conservatives are the status quo to be overcome

before the come for us, because this shit does not pass

Lest We Forget


Forget what?

I don’t think conservatism as an ideology supports oppression (neither does liberalism). So i am uncertain where your information is coming from.

The simple fact that you state that “conservatives are the status quo to be overcome” puts you into the oppressor role (yes you believe you are being oppressed which gives you justification to oppress, isn’t that how you think?).


no, calling out oppressors does not reverse the roles.

that is not even a word game,
you do not have facts, only simple reductions of error
either stupid on it’s face or blatantly disingenuous

revealing how you understand without thinking

conservatives are not persecuted when preventing from oppressing/exploiting others

“Lest We Forget” is a phrase you should really google.

and nothing to loose but chains


not that JC existed at all, but one of the particularly compelling quotes about cults:

Many people were traveling with Jesus. He said to them, 26 “If you come to me but will not leave your family, you cannot be my follower. You must love me more than your father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters—even more than your own life! 27 Whoever will not carry the cross that is given to them when they follow me cannot be my follower.


Whether JC existed or not, I’ve never understood why he would require his followers to love *him* more than their own family or their friends.


because it’s what personality cult leaders do

separate people from the larger community
and why bigger religions, end up with smaller splinter groups

the idea that there’s a difference between a cult and a religion
is only the number of members over time

remember, religion is the original pyramid scheme

and you recruit one follower who brings others

and why religion is so focused on birthing babies for easy membership enrollment

America’s Jim Jones is an excellent case in point

he used the Rainbow symbol for ethnicity harmony

pandered to politicians as insta-crowds and form letter mailing crowds before going off to his own city, were over 1,000 killed themselves over three locations.


That’s another thing that bothers me, and why I’ve avoided religion in general, but particularly Christianity. They insist on *killing* those who don’t follow their way of thinking.


I still have nightmares from listening to audio of the Jonestown White Night Practice nights, for a late 1980s college anthropology of religion class. I did my term paper on a Charles Manson/Jim Jones comparison

and I don;t know how a Christian can call other people heathens, pagans and infidels and then demand respect for their ideas and their person

religion is why we are intolerant to the point of genocide

this putting whatever we think is moral above other’s very lives.


I know, right? It doesn’t make sense. Christians demand that non-believers, believe in Jesus Christ, lest God punish them severely by sending them to “Hell.”


it is the they get to genocide us
but we have to think kindly of them


That doesn’t make sense. How can anyone think kindly of someone who abuses you and tells you you’re worthless?


believers demand respect when they mean reverence
when it’s inter-demographic is is more obvious

but consider the individual social impact of how people are often more attached to the abusive or absentee parent or romantic person

as if enough love and devotion will make the abuser more attentive or kindly and approving


the bible, pronounced Buy Bull

was never meant to be a book, nor read by the public

is the dead sea scrolls version of the internet

poetry, propaganda and porn

perhaps you should learn the edit history and about the religion

if Constantine had picked Mithras, you’d be a Mitherian

and I’d still be an atheist.


The Bible can be read that way but my belief is that you miss the rich spirituality and humanity of the book because like the fundamentalist Christians you take it far too literal.

You say you are an atheist. Can you tell me what you mean by that?


atheist means no theism

what you are basically saying is only focus on the nice parts

to which I say, expect the Spanish Inquisition and

the proverb about the frog in the water pot informs

Lest We Forget


The trouble with defining oneself as an atheist is that you need to define God and many theologians do not have the nice neat definition but only accept that there is a Divine mystery. Others have defined God as love and God is good, the noun not the adjective. By saying you are an atheist to them says that you do not believe that love exists and don’t believe in goodness.

I don’t believe the Bible is the inerrant and the literal words of God. So why would I focus on the bad parts?


No, that is what god obsessed people would like to impose on people who reject gods.

Atheism is a rejection of the god claim, and excessive consideration is not needed to validate rejection.

You reject all other religions, and I reject one more than you.

atheism is the rejection of theism, end of meaning.

It’s like people who can’t accept that some people are queer
without having to go through a heterosexual trial phase.

and you are being disagreed with.,

with your emotionalist judgements dismissed

as is your ignoring objective reality premise.

Your arguments are not merely childish and uncompelling
but the best case against religion as a framework.


Please try an avoid person attacks .

I have difficulty understanding what you are trying to say. Can you re-phrase your post to make it clearer, please?


Your inability to comprehend is because of your cognitive dissonance, and emotional preferences combined with a refusal to understand, or use words in any common meaning.

so, no, I can’t explain to you.


You know nothing about me. I have been a supporter of the LGBT community for longer than you have been alive. I have a different view of the Bible than you and of the Devine Mystery. Let’s just leave it at that and continue to support the LGBT community as best we can


I know more than enough of you

you presume to know everything better than everyone you are trying to force your opinion on, and you predicate that on believing assumptions you make about others without any knowledge of them

your opinion of someone’s book edition opinion of the actual topic of religion is rejected,

Godbot is as Godbot does,

you are not willing to communicate to understand

so perhaps you should not ask questions you don’t want answered.

you support the community by being rude to members of it, eh.

Godbottery is predatory and you are spreading bronze age ideas; Post Information Age.


Once again you show that you know nothing about me. Once again you falsely accuse me of pushing my opinion on you and others. Once again you attack the person rather than the message. Once again you you seem to take it personally that someone has a different opinion than you.


“you falsely accuse me of pushing my opinion on you and others. ”

your inability to cope with being disagreed with just reinforces all the pale male stereotypes

LGBTQ is not about you, and your claim to being an ally is not supported when it’s religion you are promoting.

you don’t get to decide how others perceive you
and given that you don’t like the response you’ve earned

then consider that it’s you, and your approach

however old you are, you should have had enough experience by now to develop social skills;

so not starting your conversations by expecting people to adopt your religion on your say so, as if the other person has had no life experience; would be a good place to start.



I disagree. I think it is unfortunate that you read the Bible in such a negative manner but that’s up to you. I choose to take a more positive approach


you have no idea what a horrifying and delusional statement that is

ignore all the reality and pretend there’s only the positive things

little wonder in a religion that is based in being in a bubblezone and ignoring knowledge.

if it had been Adam and Steve, Steve would have bottomed and Adam would still be in Paradise.

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Our Daily Elvis for June 13, 2018

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 13

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977


At the Castle Studio in Nashville’s Tulane Hotel, Hank Williams recorded his compositions “Jambalaya (On the Bayou),” “Settin’ The Woods On Fire” and “I’ll Never Get Out Of This World Alive.”

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

The RCA Victor Atomic Powered Singer

June 13, 1956

Image result for June 13, 1956, Elvis and June Juanico

Elvis and June Juanico in Houston: When Elvis and June were having breakfast at a restaurant on South Main Street, Elvis got himself surrounded by a lot of girls. He told a reporter he was engaged to only one: his career.

Romance: June Juanico

The Military Service Disruption

June 13, 1958

“High School Confidential,”…

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Our Daily Elvis for June 12, 2018

funny how I am banned from facbook

but for some reason, there’s a profile that I did not create

and these are being posted to that fake facebook account

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 12

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


June 12, 1935

At age 17, Ella Fitzgerald recorded her first song, “Love and Kisses,” with Chick Webb’s band. It failed to chart.

June 12. 1939

At Paramount Pictures in Hollywood, shooting began on “Dr. Cyclops,” starring Albert Dekker, Janice Logan, Victor Kilian and Paul Fix, the first horror movie photographed in three-strip Technicolor.

Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

The RCA Victor Atomic Powered Singer

June 12, 1956

Elvis and June Juanico flew to Houston to pick up the new convertible Elvis had ordered.

Romance: June Juanico

The Military Service Disruption


Military service  Fort Hood in Texas.  On Leave @ Graceland…

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Shoot the Dove

Confessions of a teenaged poet

Shoot the dove, kill it clean
Don’t let it linger – that’s mean
Shoot the dove, right in the heart
Killing me it happens when we part

I loved you once, thought I’d burst
You moved in and showed your worst
I thought that you were heaven sent
But I found out: You’re hell bent

So go on and shoot the dove
You never felt the meaning of love
Beating within your hard heart
Oh why, why did I ever start?

You never loved, never even cared
I loved you but, oh, I was scared
Of what you were too unfeeling to know
So maybe it is better that you go

The Dove is shot, you stand at the door
As crocodile tears fall to the floor
The Dove is gone, no need to stay
Go back to the world, go back and play.

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What Kind of society – two tries

Confessions of a teenaged poet

Feb 12, 1983

What kind of society
Degrades the spirit of people
Allows unneeded suffering
Permits atrocities
Causes people to be divided
Produces weapons of murder
What kind of society?
It is a society you will know
And you call it free society

March 4, 1983

What kind of Society
Demands the perversion of its people
Ensures that atrocities will be committed
Allows it people to be decadent
Takes away all semblance of humanity
Has people prostitute mind and body
What kind of Society?
You call it free

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Misery Misery

Confessions of a teenaged poet

Misery, bittersweet misery
The world is full of you
One can find you in corners every

Along the tropic, starvation lies
Living conditions wretched
Always you can hear a child’s cries

In the western hemisphere cruelty reigns
Cruelty to animals, nature, man
I cannot bear to feel their pains

Eastern hemisphere has communism
As I’m told they’re worse than we
I wonder who does worse barbarism

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Gay v Straight Marriage

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My Life And Everything Within It

Nina's Soap Bubble Box

Raw Recovery Specialist & Agoraphobic Philosopher

Doing the most, with so little...

The joys of being a black lesbian blogger and the struggles of my everyday life.


agoraphobic philosopher n raw recovery specialist

The Critiquing Chemist

Literary Analysis derived from an Analytical Chemist


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