Our Daily Elvis for June 4, 2018

Give us this day, June 4, Our daily Elvis

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 4

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

June 4, 1955

Elvis performed at the Louisiana Hayride, Municipal Auditorium, Shreveport.

The RCA Victor Atomic Powered Singer

June 4, 1956

At the Municipal Auditorium in his hometown of Norfolk, Virginia, Gene Vincent made his live performance debut.

Elvis and Gene Smith flew to Los Angeles for the rehearsals for Elvis’ second appearance on the Milton Berle Show.

Judy Spreckles, a divorced socialite friend, tagged along. Below, Debra Padget rehearses with Elvis.


The Oakland Tribune newspaper reported on June 4, 1956 that “Elvis Presley fans all but tore the roof off the Oakland Auditorium…

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A Queer Story should be Queer

Hayley Kiyoko’s new video with Kehlani is the lesbian story America needs right now

I am not so sure that it is representation

more reactionary and playing to the all women are bisexually capable

as if that’s not also true of men

seems more like Elvis Presley’s Jailhouse Rock and situational sexuality


How is it not representation? Hayley Kiyoko is a lesbian and Kehlani is bisexual and it features a romantic/sexual relationship between the two. Additionally, almost all of Kiyoko’s videos are directed by her and feature lesbian relationships or fantasies. No one said it wasn’t true of men, it’s just that this video and her music happens to be about women.


“She and Kiyoko hang out, drink, party, with the exact nature of their relationship unclear until the end of the video.”

and that description makes the audience straight with a “surprise” ending

rather than being directed at a lgbtq audience, who are waiting for the queer content, rather than a well duh, that took too long to get to a point.

it’ boring, coy and queer representation keeps repeating coming out and marginalized themes, because we’re not represented

and watered down, are they, aren’t they, is making queer the thing, rather than characters or plot, and never advancing beyond the original tropes embedded in entertainment since the beginning.


There’s a lot of music being made that capitalizes on female bi-flexibility.

This is not that.

Kiyoko is a lesbian. She had an unusual amount of creative control on this project, which contributes to its authenticity. Unlike a lot of “LGBT” content churned out by (cis-het) media execs, her video and album cover are NOT directed to the straight male gaze, but reflect her own sensibilities.


I remember when Ani DeFranco and Michelle Shocked both started as lesbian singers, both married men.

I am not familiar with Kiyoko, and did not get the impression from the article that she is in the club, instead of being a tourist and just pandering to a heterogaze.

“She and Kiyoko hang out, drink, party, with the exact nature of their relationship unclear until the end of the video.”

and that description makes the audience straight with a “surprise” ending

rather than being directed at a lgbtq audience, who are waiting for the queer content, rather than a well duh, that took too long to get to a point.


Who cares either way?


Did that make you feel better?


curious people who don’t care and can’t stand others who do, eh?


By “straight male gaze” I didn’t mean straight folks weren’t the intended audience— I mean that, you know, we can tell when a lesbian scene is shot with men’s preferences in mind, whether that’s a hackneyed straight-girl screen kiss or gay for pay lesbian porn. This isn’t that.

That doesn’t mean it’s not representation. I think good LGBT representation in media, regardless of intended audience, is the most effective tool to change cis-het hearts and minds. Maybe unpick a little bigotry.

Kiyoko is an out lesbian, she’s talked about it in interviews and stuff. Maybe her sexuality will be as fluid as Ani’s, maybe not— but we of all people know how important it is to take someone at their word when it comes to sexuality. We are not the gatekeepers.


it’s 2018

there is not even straight women gaze in movies

and LGBTQ representation is back to a coy, are they aren’t they.

We are in an era of AIDS almost being a chronically manageable illness

Post a small number of Period Piece Queer Oscar movies – Boys Don’t Cry, Brokeback Mountain, TransAmerica (no lesbian oscar movie) and so post Carol, Fried Green Tomatoes and Desert Hearts.

the 1980s and 1970s of queers being killed or suicided

the 1960s and 1950s of queers being predators

and pre-Hayes Code, just part of the archetypes of overly fussy fancy men and butch women on the margins.

so these types of presentations of queers catering to a mainstream view of we’re here too, if that’s okay with you

Art really has not progressed society much

when yesterday, America’s broken supreme court, ended the rule of law with allowing personal religion exemptions to the law.

How two lesbians helped take down Roseanne

Posted in Agoraphobic Philosopher, bisexual, Gay, lesbian, LGBTQ, Raw Recovery Specialist, transgender | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Our Daily Elvis for June 3 2018

Give us this day, our daily Elvis

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 3

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977

June 3, 1949

Elvis Presley received a school report card on which he was given an “A” in English and a “C” in Music.

July 3, 1949: Elvis got his 8th grade report card from Humes High. He got a C in music. Here's Elvis' report cards.

June 3, 1951 to July 1, 1951

Elvis was employed as a machinist by “Precision Tool Co.”

June 3, 1952

Frank Sinatra recorded “The Birth of the Blues.”

April 17, 1952 to May 28, 1952

Elvis worked as an user at Loew’s State Theatre

June 3, 1954

Dixie left Memphis for a family vacation in Florida.

Romances: Dixie Locke

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

June 3, 1955

On tour with Ferlin Huskey, Martha Carson, The Carlisles, J.E. & Maxine Brown, Onie…

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A Preacher President = Theocracy

Is Franklin Graham positioning himself to run for President?

“Franklin Graham has had no problem crossing the line from religion to politics.”

Separation of Church and State, and there’s the poster boy

spawn of the moral majority, the loud prudish minority


Just what we need, a Christian preacher for President. If that happens, I’m leaving


apply to Canada for refugee status as a persecuted class of citizen

apply now, before the rush

back in the 1990s, when the Moral Majority was at it’s media peak

they tried to interfere with Hawaii’s marriage equality attempt

and it turned out that they had not filed their name ownership there

so a Hawaiian group registered as the Moral Majority and protested for marriage equality

why not?….there’s about 8 other white supremacists, who call themselves, ‘nationalists’, that are running for political offices. He’s just another name on a list of jerkoffs…


I could not believe the media let Trump pretend he didn’t know what a white supremacist was


When do the American media ever ask the kind of difficult questions a politician might find uncomfortable? To do so might cost them their precious “access,” i.e. they’d actually have to work at news gathering rather than just waiting for the next White House press handout. Horrors! I’m sure the very thought makes their blood run cold.


I can’t say Canada media does either

but I am shocked at lesbian incumbant Ontario Premiere Kathleen Wynne conceding the election that is next week.

but, American media is starting to take notes from Late Night Comedy Shows, which have more news analysis

given that only Jesters can tell the Truth to the King, eh?


Posted in Agoraphobic Philosopher, bisexual, Gay, lesbian, LGBTQ, Raw Recovery Specialist, transgender | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Every Hour, Every Day, All Life Long

Confessions of a teenaged poet

Life ain’t what it used to be
As a favorite lamp can testify
for broken in frustration:
A burning refusal to cry

The days of childhood slipped away
Faded memories of unawareness
To the pain that too soon comes
As the years mean less and less

The teenage stage excitement fun
A bitter irony; for ’twas not thus
Rather, ’twas a time of growth and pain
This stage is one large puss

Adulthood, some lag, some spurt
Other traipse along unaware
And it kills ,e to know this
If only I couldn’t care

Then child again, tis time to die
Now Mom and Dad aren’t here for me,
Alone I am at last
So quietly and tearfully

I die not at once, but daily

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Confessions of a teenaged poet

Sensuously tongue flicks
And winds its way
Around my victim’s mind
Violently pulling him down

The warm glow of victory
Surrounds the bruised ego
And inflates it slightly
Hungry forevermore

The delicious aftertaste
Of my tongue’s sting
Curls it way down
into the recess of my heart

My heart beats slightly faster
Appreciating the flow of warmth
And yet another layer
of ice fear is melted away

Encouraged by the warmth
My eyes search for another
Victim deserving of sting
Gleaming unmercifully when found

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Our Daily Elvis for June 2, 2018

Give us this day, June 2, Our Daily Elvis

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 2

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

June 2, 1954

U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy made the unsubstantiated charge that there were communists working in the Central Intelligence Agency and at American atomic weapons plants.

June 2, 1955

Elvis performed at the Municipal Auditorium, Amarillo, Texas

The RCA Victor Atomic Powered Singer

June 2, 1956

A sleepy Jazz tune called “Moonglow” by Morris Stoloff And The Columbia Pictures Orchestra pushed Elvis Presley’s “Heartbreak Hotel” out of the top spot on the Cashbox Best Sellers List.

Elvis and Gene Smith flew to Oakland, California, where they arrived at 4.00 a.m. and met with…

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Word Games Tactics

People who think gay people are born that way support gay rights. Why?

in a land were people proclaim freedom of choice

why does sexuality have to be to be genetic

when rights do not depend on demographics

and are supposed to be inalienable and self evident

meaning not optional by personal opinion

and, ethnicity is known to be genetic, but that hasn’t ended bigotry there


uh, it doesn’t, and guess what, nothing in the article says it even is genetic, born that way means born that way, not born that way because of only genetics.


the article is hardly the sum total of information available

and “born that way” is layperson for “genetics”

given your posts are usually informative

it is disappointing, that you are pointless pedantic,

when you reply to other people’s posts

rather than exchange meaning of content,


uh, not this layperson, and if someone is so ignorant that born that way means only genetic, then their opinion is one of someone totally ill informed as to the subject.


Most people are ignorant of hard science topics

more so than world history

it’s 2018 and people are using the internet for godbottery

because they think science and reality are somehow subjective and up to individual personal preferences

that said, word nuance nit pick games do not demonstrate robust or critical thinking, nor subject matter understanding, eh.


btw, why is pointing out that born that way doesn’t MEAN genetics not an exchange of meaning? seems that way to me, and btw, i DON”T believe being gay is 100% genetic at all, i think the preponderance of evidence is that it is at least in part EPI genetic, which is INCLUDED in “born that way” even if some are ignorant as to what born that way MEANS.


your second response is to lurch from a meaningless and imprecise phrase “born that way” being meaningful to the science bioglogy term “genetics”

to a science jargon overthink that “genetics” is somehow different than “epigenetics”, when they are merely the direct parents and the context of heredity over generations,

rearing and nurturing certainly shape whatever the genetic potential of the offspring within the family

and how the family is treated in the larger society

so, when there is a “freedom to pursuit happiness”

it doesn’t matter if individual sexual orientation behaviour/expression are genetic or free will choice

deviation should be expected in any group, and indeed, over human history across cultures and observed in over 1,000 mammal species too

so it’s just something that we animals do, and people need to stop being bothered by other people managing their own lives with the same rights and dignity in the public square.

uh, not this layperson, and if someone is so ignorant that born that way means only genetic, then their opinion is one of someone totally ill informed as to the subject.

lol, epi genetics is abvout ENVIROMENT, so it is different, i get you dont care for precison, don’t berate me if i do.


Most people are ignorant of hard science topics

more so than world history

it’s 2018 and people are using the internet for godbottery

because they think science and reality are somehow subjective and up to individual personal preferences

that said, word nuance nit pick games do not demonstrate robust or critical thinking, nor subject matter understanding, eh.


not a nit pick at all, it proves that what you said is not true, it is 100% possible to be someone that does not believe that being gay is genetic yet still supports lgb rights, you know, like ME?


I see the problem now; beyond mere word pedantic nitpicking indeed

while I was discussing layperson imprecise words vs specific science words – a topic

while you just made it about you.

good thing you’re on the internet, or there’d be no cookie, eh?

LGBTQ activists warned cops about mass shooter before he attacked. They didn’t listen.


from hating on demographics to people’s beliefs that self validate have nothing to do with reality.

religion is mental illness and it’s beyond the time for the diagnostic manual to list it so.


religion is mental illness

I prefer the theory in John C. Wathey’s book, “The Illusion of God’s Presence”. Basically, infants are more-or-less born with the certainty that a mom is there, somewhere, and will come when called:

“Even if she cannot be immediately seen, heard, tasted, or felt, the mother still exists. Even if she takes what seems an eternity to respond to the infant’s cries, she still exists. This knowledge would give an infant separated from its mother the persistence to keep crying for her, even if hunger and exhaustion would otherwise compel silence and rest to conserve energy. This hardwired, innate sense of certainty of the mother’s existence is, by definition, certainty in the absence of evidence. The infant is certain because certainty confers a survival advantage.”

This certainty-mom-is-nearby circuitry has been hacked by religion.

Religiosity, like being progressive or conservative, cishet or some flavour of LGBT, is inbuilt and arises spontaneously. It’s hard coded and – unlike the anti-LGBT fantasy of eradicating LGBT behaviour from society in a couple of generations by ‘just cracking down hard enough’ – can’t be eradicated from society. We can only learn to more-or-less deal with the negative effects.


From Pantheons to downsized Monotheism,

religion is mental illness

“This certainty-mom-is-nearby circuitry has been hacked by religion.”

religion keeps the species at a toddler phase

and, in the modern era, religion doesn’t even pretend to not be money for nothing and altar boys for free.


Welcome to the First Amendment. You are expressing your certainty. Good on you…


I am a woman, so in the USA I wouldn’t have rights, the ERA remains unratified

further, I am a Canadian, my rights are not amendments

they arise from the Charter of Rights, so that’s my freedom of expression.


Trying to pick a fight. *sheesh*


I corrected your wrong assumption

then you made a second one

so, that’s on your American assumptions

Canada confers a reality check

and there’s no wonder to me that there’s now a trade war

given the lack of communication ability


I corrected your wrong assumption

Narcissism much?

Other than that, the above series of posts by a Nina put out by the apparent contradiction of the assertion “religion is mental illness” appears very like that of anti-LGBT commenters asserting that ‘transgenders are mentally ill’. The touches of nationalism and straw-manning in the missives only adds to the resemblance.


“Narcissism much?”

given you think you’re the only correct person ever

enjoy your own words, which I am sure you do

other people’s participation is unnecessary for you


transgender is not mental illness.

religion is delusional

perhaps you could be less of a Pale Male

I posted something to the article

o you hijacked my post for your talking points

they you patronized me by pretending I had first amendment rights, assuming american

and after I corrected you on my nationality to Canadian

and that American Women don’t have rights because ERA not ratified

so you are over reacting to being disagreed with and demonstrated to be in error

so are now lashing out with a baseless accusation based on your limited ability to grasp grammar concepts and political propaganda tropes and misapply those to a queer person posting on a queer newspaper site

so you are now claiming I am anti LGBTQ because you assume a format means more than content

which are more words that you’ll read or understand.


transgender is not mental illness.



you owe me an apology for your false accusation

How two lesbians helped take down Roseanne


I’ve never understood that. I’m not perfect, but I try to treat everyone the way I would want to be treated.


I have never understood the fixation people have with “perfect”

it has no actual meaning, and it not an attainable standard

it is not that hard to be a good to okay person

it astonishes me how many feel entitled to claim “rights” allow them to not even meet the “okay” standard


I know, right? I’ve never understood that. I work at a sandwich shop and I greet people with a friendly “hi there! How are you today?” “is there anything I can get for you?”, and a “see you later.” when they leave. 🙂


yes, I agree,

and it is astonishingly easy to give a compliment and make anyone’s day a little easier

I usually say the colour of their top garment suits them

it is especially funny to see men struggle to accept a compliment like that

but how often women are really impacted by such a small comment

especially when across ethnicity demographics

leveraging privilege for dignity of person to be shared.


Why is YouTube running anti-LGBTQ ads before videos?

religion is using science to promote bronze age ideas

why is youtube accepting discrimination advertising?

and why is something not selling a product/service being called anything other than propaganda?

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From Nation Rights to UN Righted

How two lesbians helped take down Roseanne


Not to mention all the times people called Michelle Obama an ape and freaked out when she wore a sleeveless dress

but Melanie/Melania Trump’s doing fake lesbian porn for men’s magazines is somehow classy.

I do see a difference between Rosanne Barr’s tired racist trope being applied to a politician and Samantha Bee’s name calling Ivanka Trump for claiming to be a moderating influence, when her white house appointment is utter nepotism as the difference between hate of a group where an individual is made to represent and commentary on an individual and their conduct in theri sphere of influence.

Also Kathy Griffin, the professional comedian and her severed Trump photo, as art commentary of politics as a being socially valid, unlike random members of the public who lynched President Obama in effigy on their front yards.

it is time for those white people to stop making white embarrassing and people need to be called out out for being bothered that others get to exist.

it’s a teachable moment that working and playing well together is not political correctness, cooperative behaviours are the greater social good.


I remember that. I remember saying “WTF?!” Who the hell do they think they are? They’re just saying things like that because he’s a negro. They can’t stand the thought of a politician in the White House who’s skin colour isn’t the same as “Most Americans.” Talk about backwards thinking!

Bill Clinton was the first president to say “Gay and Lesbian” and meet with our reps in the white house

Obama was the first to include trans and atheists as Americans.

But, we need to get away from those national labels too.

We’re all homo sapiens, with less than 1% genetic difference between any two of us.


I know. That’s what I liked about Obama as President. He included all Americans as Americans. I totally agree with you about getting away from national labels. We’re all humans.

I also liked Bill Clinton. He may not have been the best president we could’ve had. I’m sure he had more than one affair, not just Monica Lewinski, but there were things he did that I liked.


under President Clinton, there was a lot “for the economy” as a measurable; it was the infamous “stupid” sign he posted
and he advanced the social public debate forward
he was the first sexy president in years

after Elvis Presley’s GI Haircut, Clinton’s airplane runway one was America’s most expensive.

Hilary headed drafting the first attempt at health care for everyone as First Lady

and that meeting with Gays and Lesbians at the White House

resulted in IGLA, the International Gay and Lesbian Association, the first queer umbrella group to gain UN Advisor Status, and began the inclusion of queers in rights at the UN

so imagine, Eleanor Roosevelt’s mid 1960s proclaimation

if she had been able to be included, given Loreena Hicks.

People remember Queer Nation, Act Up and Lesbian Avengers because it was the young and sexy activists being queer in public

while the less cute and heavier activists did most of the committee work

Being an Over-experienced community volunteer…

Job Interviewing: Volunteering

Employees vs Volunteers

VolunteerWorld: Vancouver Women’s Health Collective

the problem of PTSD and volunteering

Everyday Angels: Volunteers

Depression 101: Volunteer at something you enjoy

Volunteering for Community groups – Master Class

especially since “most” are no longer “white”
demographically shrinking and why the anti-abortion and “rape is legit contraceptive method” pubically expressed quoted by republican elected officials

and what they really mean to say is “real Americans”

and the people who understand what they are saying

are the bigots who loath women of their own kind, and men and women of all other kinds, and fear those who act as if the other sexually and change gender and confuse their whole world view, why they demand to be able to rape and murder anyone to objects to their having or them being had by another person.

“family values” was code for anti queer, but also pro spousal rape and incest, as far back as the 1990s and the mainstream didn’t listen

even as Focus on the Family published their child abuse manuals favoring rods over children.

they love the troops and leave veterans homeless

the only group that is larger than suddenly homeless LGTBQ teens

meanwhile Florida Gov Jeb Bush and President Bush the Lessor sent healthy men and women into war

while shutting down government over a vegetative coma Terry Schivo to prevent her husband from ending no faint hope even life support

in favor of her parents , so, really, so much for family values of marriage is the prime relationship

and marriage is contract law that does just that very thing

why the “civil union” was a lessor state that did not create the same level of kinship and in the USA and Canada, it’s over 1,000 rights connected to legilation and equal access and treatment under the law

and what the right most fear to speak of is

1970s Affirmative Action was general compensation for past historic wrongs

women never got such a settlement, just an okay, we’re supposed to include you, and in America, the ERA remain unratified

and LGBTQ have won right in the court

we are getting pardons and aplogies

so compensation is the next phase

and, so it’s the passing on of oral history

that is a new thing for LGBTQ when humanity itself now has more generations than ever before living at the same time

so it is amazing to see, how identities play out over generations

during the extended lifetime our species now has, mostly thanks to modern dentistry and health care, sanitation and all those goods n services that civilizations brings.

We have also gone from not knowing if there were still stone age level cultures to knowing where they are and creating boundaries around them.

and we’ve explored more space, from leaving our galaxy to probing other planets and landing on our moon, with several nations participating.

than we have the ocean of our world, that we all breath the same air drink the same water and have the same biological needs

yet, we continue to feel entitled to treat everything and everyone else as trash; and that is not what right mean, or else they really are not worth the paper printed or breath utterance.

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Our Daily Elvis June 1, 2018

Give us this day, June 1, Our Daily Elvis

Our Daily Elvis

Give Us This Day, Our Daily Elvis

Daily Elvis: June 1

Click the above for the complete Daily Elvis posting

The Updated for 2018 are:

  1. Added the Elvis Era Headers to the post, and
  2. the following updates to the original Daily Elvis Post:

Tupelo, Mississippi


June 1, 1938

The world’s first super hero, Superman, appeared in the first issue of the Action Comics series of comic books.

Vernon arrived at Parchman and Gladys and Elvis made the bus trip on several occasions.

Memphis, Tennessee

1949 – 1977

The Sun Records Rockabilly Era

June 1, 1955

Patsy Cline recorded “A Church, A Courtroom And Then Goodbye” at her first recording session. It was the first of her 51 sides over a two-year period for Four Star Records.

On a Playbill with Ferlin Huskey, Martha Carson, The Carlisles, J.E. & Maxine Brown, Onie Wheeler and Al Rogers; Elvis performed at the High School Auditorium, Guymon, Oklahoma.

The RCA…

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