Queen Victoria Day, The People Are Not Amused

Happy Colonialism Day in Canada, a former Commonwealth Colony

Africa… as in Out Of, eh?

as  national idea, we’re a year younger than street lights

and since 1985, we’ve been our own nation retaining a figurehead GG Queen.

Brains: Our Bodies, Ourselves

Just a GG, not a GGG thing, as in good, game and giving.

Governor General could be called upon to play crucial role in election outcome

O Canada? can we talk about the Governor-General

Lest We Forget, This Does Not Pass

Today on a mall walk, three strangers initiated a social interaction of various fashions.

First, a Elderly White Man and Elderly White Woman were walking and the man stopped to say “In case you’re wondering, that’s my wife.”

Seriously, really not and well; kinda duh, the normative and usual hardly needs to be explained.

Dear White People: Apu of The Simpsons

Stop Making White Embarassing: Can I Get a Hashtag

Star Wars: White vs Lesbians Debate

A White Man Threaten To Kill Me

When Gay was a White Person Thing

The second was an older woman of an ethnicity, who seemed confused that the Major Box store did not have it’s inside the mall door open to customer traffic while the outside doors were open.

When she asked what the holiday was; I wished her happy colonialism day.

She said she knew how to find the outside door, and the concept of having to go outside to get inside the store, inside the mall the store was in, seemed a difficult concept for her.

Indeed, on our second walk around the mall, where all the stores were unlit with shuttered doors closed, hours of operation posted. Some stores even had one person line ups.

The inside/outside woman was encountered again in front of the Produce store, when will it open, she asked of mall walkers who don’t work anywhere in the mall.

The store employees were inside setting up, the gate opened, but lights off.

They explained when they were opening.

2-spirited indigenous people: opening up the conversation — Warrior Publications

Canada’s Indigenous Reserves

Frontier: Cowboys vs Indigenous

Indigenous cases treated by police as ‘less than worthy victims,’ lawyer says

Rising tensions in Bolivia over oil and gas exploitation on indigenous lands

Tribes preparing for climate change impact on Indigenous Foods

Indigenous On Film: Represented

China, Canada and Indigenous Peoples, eh?

halfway through the mall walk, a woman approached me and asked me a question

that, as blonde and pale as I have been most of my life, my hair lost it’s gold and is now a mousey brown ashy tone, with some gold and silver hairs on my head and the stray white or red facial hairs; that I have never been asked

“Are you indigenous?”

I replied that I wasn’t but that I have relatives who are.

She asked if I knew about the First Nations festival at  local surrey park; I hadn’t.

so she told me and I thanked her for letting me know

then I social faux pas confused Queen Victoria Day today as also being Aboriginal Day, which is actually June 21.

She introduced herself and we exchanged first names and shook hands; then went on our ways.

First Nations | Surrey Fusion Festival

Kwantlen First Nation to make history at the Surrey Vaisakhi parade …

White Rock buskers fest invitation to Semiahmoo First Nation

Aboriginal Events in British Columbia | See the full list

Home – Full Circle: First Nations Performance Society

Festivals and Events 2018 | Vancouver’s Best Places

related on this blog:

The Stereotype Assumption Problem

Police Pit Vulnerable Demographics

The Chicken and Egg Proverb, eh?

Men vs Women: Because Babies

Dear American People: Please Vote This Time

The Elephant in the Room Demographic

back to the internet:

Here are more things you can’t do now if you’re black or brown

Stop making white people embarrassing

other people are allowed to exist and enjoy the public square with dignity of person

RIP America

Alexis de Tocqueville warned that the tyranny of the majority, in which a majority, often led by a rabble-rouser, enforced its wishes on various minorities and made them subservient— this was the greatest danger inherent in American democracy.


I asked for your ID because I can .. No justi(ce)fication…. I keep teetering between being angry and being so sad…


if you want to feel really sick and overwhelmed

google “Operation Paperclip”

it will put everything into perspective

Lest We Forget.

The good news is, in this day of camera phones and social media these fkheads can be exposed rather quickly and any wrong-doing on the part of security or police can be documented.


everyone should check their local laws to find out the difference between journalist with a camera and citizen

and whether filming public service employees while they work is legal

in a system were the media is not allowed to criticize the government

and the laws are de-legitimized

when a system’s checks and balances are no longer status quo

where not punishable by death, Blasphemy is now duty

by all free thinking peoples who retain the privilege of citizenship

What the actual FUCK?! What the hell is wrong with so many white people? Seriously. None of the Black or Latino people mentioned in this article were doing anything wrong. No wonder whites often get looked at as being either malicious, paranoid, or just plain IDIOTS.


when white men think they can rape and murder who they want to

why is is surprising they also think they get to control everyone around them in the same space

frankly, it is embarrassing how insecure an fearful so many white people, men and women, are.

No new church for ‘dwindling congregation’ at St. Thomas


“Clutching your pearls and wagging fingers like a scolding nun doesn’t make your case. You are just cheerleading for your team. Self-righteousness much?”

your words, enjoy troll


You must be the biggest one of all. You just can’t help yourself. You don’t even live in the USA and try to insert yourself in a local DC controversy? Really?


you remain unclear of the internet concept.

one world, able to interact with it’s parts

I’m from Canada, and that word means village
you might say I’m the village idiot, but you’re the one arguing with me.

we’re celebrating colonialism with Queen Victoria Day

and America thinks it has a princess in the current royal family, where she’s just a duchess

and your president thinks he’s America’s first king, but will probably be perp walked from the white house, oddly redeeming Sen. Joe McCarthy in a weird 1950s revival of politics

so the people of Washington DC

seem to be the ones most needed to have a talking to

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2 Responses to Queen Victoria Day, The People Are Not Amused

  1. Pingback: I think I have to draft a correspondance, eh | Nina's Soap Bubble Box

  2. Pingback: #PayetteResignEh | Nina's Soap Bubble Box

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