Mental Health Public Policy vs Religion

Washington set to become next state to ban anti-gay conversion therapy

when will the medical profession just declare religion to be the mental illness that it is?

religion is not a charity and it is into too many business lines

Religion isn’t a problem.
It’s fundamentalism within homophobic religions that’s the problem.

religion is the framework and is a problem for more than just LGTBQ,

women, too – education and science, arts and government

Separation of Church and State means freedom from religion, not for people to theocracy the government

religion meets the diagnostic manuals’ meaning of delusion

it is not the basis for public policy in what is supposed to be a secular democracy where people have rights to pursue happyness

something utterly incompatible with religion.

True, we need to make sure not to paint all religions with the same brush.

based on what has “religion” earned any such consideration?

they have all the same zero evidence

from cults that turned pro to become religions over time

to modern era spiritualism, all the perks with none of the responsibilities of religion

religions are invented by and used by people in the way they were intended to be used, in/out group social divisions

money for nothing and altar boys for free

Exactly – it’s easy to mistake “religion” for being Christianity if that’s all you’ve been around, but there’s a lot of religions out and about.

I do mean all of them, and Christian is a third of the Abrahamic Trilogy of Jew/Christian/Islam – are the same one religion.

I mean every single religion ever practiced and practiced now.

From pagan faiths to alien centered ones like Scientology invented last century

And caste systems with deities for everything to hierarchies devoid of deities but with non-personified forces.


Religion isn’t a problem.
It’s fundamentalism within homophobic religions that’s the problem.


religion is the framework and is a problem for more than just LGTBQ,

women, too – education and science, arts and government

Separation of Church and State means freedom from religion, not for people to theocracy the government

religion meets the diagnostic manuals’ meaning of delusion

it is not the basis for public policy in what is supposed to be a secular democracy where people have rights to pursue happyness

something utterly incompatible with religion.


True, we need to make sure not to paint all religions with the same brush.


based on what has “religion” earned any such consideration?

they have all the same zero evidence

from cults that turned pro to become religions over time

to modern era spiritualism, all the perks with none of the responsibilities of religion

religions are invented by and used by people in the way they were intended to be used, in/out group social divisions

money for nothing and altar boys for free


Dude. Chill. You alienate people with your anti-theist spiel.


theists alienate themselves

they are not friends to LGBTQ or anyone, even each other

there is no reason to appease them

& you are free to ignore posts that don’t interest you


I’m religious and I’m gay.
Doesn’t mean I’m not a friend to other gay people or other religious people. I love everyone around me.
All it means is I follow a religion that is affirming of my sexuality; Wicca.
And no; I’m trying very intentionally to burst the bubble you live in.
Not all religious people are hateful.
There’s no need for you to generalize so heavily because of Christians.


I am not generalizing to not say Christian.

when I use the word “religion” I mean all of them

from antiquity to the present day.

your objection is to something that you read into

and not at all what I said.

your pov is limited by the boundaries of your pov

christian is one of the Abraham Trilogy Jewish/Christian/Muslim are the same religion, each with additional modern era sects.

To whatever the Druids of Stonehenge were that made the Roman Empired exterminate them during their pantheon era

and to predating Stonehenge by 6,000 years, Turkey’s stunning Gobekli Tepe upends the conventional view of the rise of civilization.

from the bottom of the seabed to the peak of the mountains of Machu Picchu and the Peru Nazca Lines

to the navel gazing Tibetan peaks too.
I include the Hindu/Buddhist, historic and modern era versions, of an lost to the Ice Age one in the Indus Valley, which major city remains underwater and unexplored.

I am an atheist dyke and I assert my Canadian rights of freedom of expression.

If you are an American woman, without the ERA, you don’t have the same rights as men. Yet, you would use your free speech rights, such as they are, to tell another person to not enjoy theirs.

this is the very core of the harm of religion.

not allowed to question the content or it’s reputation

it’s why it’s a poor competitor in the marketplace of ideas.




I don’t think generalization is really the best approach here, Nina. There are many examples of beauty in religion, and of genuine charity. Not all religious people believe homosexuality is something wrong or shameful. Many religious people don’t have a particular God they worship. When we choose to force everyone into the same box based on our own definition of a label, I think we are guilty of the exact things we fight so hard against.

Focussing on these undocumented good aspects and ignoring all the obvious and documented bad ones is not any kind of approach at all.

Religion is mental illness and education is the cure

humans are the only species capable of altering the landscape for our needs and we need to do better by the planet than we are

religion is preventing scientific and social advancement, and is a means by which power is gained and wealth is hoarded, causing suffering and poverty where there does not need to be any.

Do not an appeaser nor apologist be, eh.



Nina’s comment was not about individual religious people, many of whom are very fine human beings (although they’d likely be fine people even without religion). She was talking about religion as an institution, which quite palpably does a great deal of harm to society and the human race and, at the very least, impedes progress any way it can. If I say the Mafia is corrupt, that doesn’t mean I’m not aware that many Mafiosi love their mothers and little kittens.



Unless you are an additional profile, I don’t believe it appropriate for you to speak for Nina. She’s a competent person with a fully developed ability to express herself as she sees fit. Your qualification of her words is interpretive of your own knowledge of her, I assume. I will continue reading comments as they are written by their authors. But, I appreciate your take. I disagree it compares. No one doubts “the Mafia” is corrupt. It is organized crime by definition. Very different from the organized religion. Additionally, there are thousands of religions all over the world. I maintain the original generalization serves no constructive purpose.


jomicur is a different person, and a poster that I respect.

He is an LGBTQ community elder, and I am a Canadian Gen X Dyke.

Furthermore, he understood my post correctly.

You debate on points of format and ignore content,

you seem to think that the Mafia is separate from the Vatican?

You know that the Vatican supported Hitler too?

The internet rule does not apply when referring to the actual one and not as a comparing or name calling

my conclusions only appear to be generalizations to you

because you are not seeing the analysis nor demonstrating awareness of the data considered.

it’s the problem of only reacting to summaries,
and responding with speculation, and format fetish

it’s that thing about men not being able to read instructions or ask for directions, and mostly, that even with other men, rarely consider that their opponent might have more knowledge or experience than they do.

I appreciate you taking up your own voice on the matter. We greatly disagree on this topic, and won’t be adding anything constructive to one another by pursuing it further. No worries.

Okay, enjoy your day.


Why should I or anyone else care what you consider “appropriate”? This is a public comment board, open to all who come to this site. You are not engaged in a private conversation here. Your petulance…um, what’s the phrase?…serves no constructive purpose.

And, er…”I disagree it compares.” What does that even mean?


You don’t need to resort to personal insults, sir. Sarcasm in general isn’t a productive technique of discussion. I disagreed with your comparing all religion to the Mafia.


you misunderstand what sarcasm is

it not snide or rude as average people misconstrue it,
often stating what they deem to be obvious

it is the peak of wit which implodes cognitive dissonance
from the largest viewpoint, crushing that smallest of views

generally speaking about the specifics, that is.

Sarcasm vs Scarcasm: understanding C-chasm

punny word play, depends on shared knowledge of words and all their meanings

what is said, vs what is understood, who is in it or who it is upon

Understanding Humour: from sarcasm to scarcasm

Expert Humour: Sarcasm and Irony 201

satire and parody is over, reality is too absurd.

Antigay church marries dozens of AR-15 toting straight couples in mass ceremony

wait, they marrying guns now?

Maybe after the wedding they can get drunk and shoot each other. It’s hard to believe this is real..

so, while they worried about people marrying animals, or more than 2 in a union

now they are doing group weddings of foursomes of 2 guns 2 people?


weaponized humour

Is This a Teachable Moment?

Breaking Down Us vs Them into We

Bull and the art of BS


Nina, sweetie, humans are hard-wired for spiritual experience. I suggest you research the work of Felicitas Goodman, PhD and her protege, Dr Belinda Gore. Their work in trance state is fascinating and if you ignore that aspect of human existence you are limiting your worldview to a range as narrow as that of the most rigid fundamentalist.


Lee, spiritual experiences are imaginary and shaped by the society’s expectations

you should check out the Spirit Molecule documentary

people understand what they want to from what they experience

without religion, there is no fundamentalism

and your comment shows the limitations of spiritual thinking that cannot be applied outside of it’s own context

supernatural is not the human experience, the natural world is.

wanting to be more is the emotional delusion


Catholic church rocked as 60 allegedly gay priests exposed during corruption trial


a nice change of pace from the more usual pedophile priest scandals,eh?

Well at least it let’s you know we have been right about priest all along they go to the church to hide within from their own hatred of themselves.

pedophiles go to church to get fixed and instead they find a community that protects and supports them

an institution that has groomed families for centuries.

gender separated religious orders of monks or nuns

would be where many gay and lesbian people would have gone to avoid heterosexual marriage and a life of doing actual work labour.

plus hetero women in the centuries when women were not allowed to work
who feared dying in endless childbirth.

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