Global Tourism vs Bronze Era Godbots

I do not travel outside of Canada because there are too many places that I would be murdered in. That it could be done by the governments of those places is of greater distress and insult of dignity to my person than just being at risk by virtue of being a “westerner” 1st world nation citizen traveling to other nations and being a target of opportunity – regular criminal risk.

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The long term tragedy of the 2004 December 26 Earth Wobbler quake that wiped out 250,000 million lives – is that the first to rush in to help rebuild were Extremist Muslim Islam promoters and while they help to rebuild structures – they are NOT helping rebuild communities.

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Tourist go to places to be decadent, rule break a little, have an adventure or a break from life. That means partial to full nudity, alcohol and dancing.

No one is going to go to the beach to be blown up or gunned down or stabbed because other people want to control them.


Seriously Christians in the west complain about gay being shoved down their throats.

it is religion that gives the person that permission to take up swords when words are not compelling.


A woman I worked with in 2001/03 went to Australia for her honeymoon – they went out to a nightclub, and had a great night and the next night, they went out to dinner instead of back to the club.  That nightclub was bombed. 2 canadians were killed and at work, we waited rather anxiously for news – The Email came around – my direct co-worker and her hubby were fine, but another colleague wasn’t so lucky – her son was one of the 2 dead.


when people strap explosives to themselves, it is for religion.

we can’t refrain from saying it anymore.

the harm that religions does is to entitle the believer to an extraordinary level of control over other people.

that is not compatible with equality or free speech.

religion is not a get out of criticism card – in fact – extra ordinary claims require extra ordinary proof.

people who need to use violence to make their points or show their devotion are psychopathic or sociopathic. Religion is mental illness. It diminishes rational and logical capacity.

the social harm that religion does is to limit the participation of women in the public sphere.

Rome - Circus Maximus

Dozens killed in Tunisia beach resort attack – Al Jazeera ……/gunmen-attacktouristhotel-tunisia-15062611401…

Jun 27, 2015 – At least 37 people, including European tourists, killed in hotel attack in coastal resort city of Sousse.

ISIS ‘plan to strike at Tunisian bars, the airport and tourist …

Jul 2, 2015 – SIxty people have been killed in two ISIS-linked terror attacks in … an AK 47 on the beach at the beach resort of Sousse in Tunisia last Friday.

The First Destruction of Pompeii 62 A.D. – Napoli Unplugged
Review by Keagan

Jun 5, 2012 – Remember the earthquake with resulting tsunami of 2004 In Indonesia? … Well, the earthquake of 62 A.D. caused much damage in Pompeii and … what help, if the earth itself is causing the ruin, if what protects us, upholds us, … These ships arrived from Alexandria and Carthage once a year and had the …


The State of Global Disaster Monitoring and Warnings is not yet Star Trek

Just because someone imagined it, doesn’t mean it was built or even can be we don’t even have a global warning system because mostly people need to stop thinking that what people do with their genitals matters on a planetary … Continue reading

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