The Movie Meta Date Post About Dating Movies: Pacific Cinematheque

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The Pacific Cinematheque is an arthouse theatre and it is a major host of many film festivals and events in Vancouver BC.

One of the film festivals that I saw was a slate of films about AIDS or people with Aids, except for one one film about a woman with Diabetes – a chronically manageable illness in the 1990s compared to AIDs.

At the time I remember thinking what a weird thing to have this straight woman in a festival about gay men’s stories.

Later, when I worked at the Vancouver Women’s Health Collective, far easier to cope in a feminist environment where we worked across our ethnicity and sexuality differences, the controversy became AIDS vs Breast Cancer – which annually kills more women (and a very few men) than the entire AIDs epidemic in Canada.

I find it in some ways astonishing that people feel the need to pit one illness against the other, but funding is what funding does, eh?

The issue of AIDS is that is it a greater general public concern because it is a contagious and transmissible disease while Diabetes and Cancers are not contagious and are largely contracted as a result of heredity (nature) or environmental (nurture and exposure) factors.

Pitting groups against each other is a distraction technique in any event, the issue is that companies are chasing profit rather than research so what gets funded ….

I had family factors and lifestyle factors that contributed to my becoming diabetic, but stress has this way of compounding things.

Trying to function on syrup gushing and slushing through you, without having a properly oxygen to carbon exchange. Groggy and Foggy without coffee is one thing, but suffocating at the cellular level…

“Everything we’ve heard is true! People telling stories with no punchlines and bathrooms no one’s had sex in!”


“You’re telling me that if my son had been heterosexual, he would have found himself at 35 with a strange woman doing heroin, and she would have run out and let him die?”

“I dunno”

Arts are a means of expression, compacted and coded.

Often when you can’t say something directly, for many reasons


cut-sugar-lose-weight1 sugar-640

imagine how much better everything could be, if we didn’t have to self medicate or compensate with food, drugs or sex?

understanding the difference between a disease and an illness.

why men do arts and women do crafts?

priorities and prioritizing, population densities and civil socializing

which groups get to count and when, individual experience varies across the group spectrum

Share my Umbrella (short script)

How Can it be Rush Hour When I’m Still in First Gear?


funny, another film festival, it was an animation one, I bumped into another lesbian who volunteered at Angles, the city’s queer newspaper of the decade – and ended up back at her place

an innocent lobby conversation about craving chocolate and what that is a sublimation for

after all, theatres make their money at the snack counter

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3 Responses to The Movie Meta Date Post About Dating Movies: Pacific Cinematheque

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  2. Pingback: The Battle of the Burbs: BC’s BSitudes | Nina's Soap Bubble Box

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