The Elvis Archetype

“I got news for you baby, I did 29 pictures like that.”


This is Elvis

Nina K Tryggvason's photo.
Nina K Tryggvason's photo.Nina K Tryggvason's photo.Nina K Tryggvason's photo.
Elvis is played by Elvis, 3 on camera actors and a 4th for narration…
'Rick Peters and Bob Gunton in Elvis Meets Nixon.'
Rick Peters and Bob Gunton in Elvis Meets Nixon.

Bye Bye Birdie – Ann-Margaret and Conrad Birdie

Nina K Tryggvason's photo.
Nina K Tryggvason's photo.
Nina K Tryggvason's photo.Nina K Tryggvason's photo.

from By Bye Birdie to modern bio pics and Elvis as fantasy characters

Nina K Tryggvason's photo.Nina K Tryggvason's photo.

Nina K Tryggvason's photo.


Movies and Songs


Nina K Tryggvason's photo.
Nina K Tryggvason's photo.

These 2 deluxe boxed sets of 4 albums plus bonus books, poster, photos and fabric swatches from Elvis’ own clothes and movie costumes –

Nina K Tryggvason's photo.
Nina K Tryggvason's photo.
Nina K Tryggvason's photo.
Nina K Tryggvason's photo.


Popcorn Flix:

Elvis accidently faked his death. Wanting to take a break. he trades places with an impersonator who died on Aug 16 ,1977.

Unable to prove he is himself, he has a career of impersonating himself; until he breaks a hip and winds up with also hidden JFK fighting a Mummy from Ancient Eygpt

Bubba Ho-Tep narra a história “verídica” do que realmente aconteceu com Elvis Presley (Bruce Campbell). No passado, o Rei do Rock trocou de identidade com um…


Popcorn Flix:

Top Secret – Val Kilmer did the first posthumous Presley Picture playing “Deke Rivers” – produced by the makers of AIRPLANE!

Val did a turn as Elvis’ ghost

Val Kilmer is 52 now and in poor health. Unfortunately, he is a Christian Scientist and is refusing medical care for what is likely easily treatable.


The second of Zucker-Abraham-Zucker’s theatrical-feature spoofs (Airplane was the first, discounting the patchwork Kentucky Fried Movie), Top Secret! lampoon…

in 1988, before Footloose – there was HEARTBREAK HOTEL

a teenager kidnaps Elvis to teach the town to rock and his mom – played by TUESDAY WELD – to love again.

When I worked in a video store in the 1990s, a client tried to convince me this movie happened and I explained to him that the disappearance he was alluding to was Elvis’ weekend with Tricky Dick.

anyway – here’s the big musical ending to Heartbreak Hotel

David Keith plays Elvis. He usually plays soldiers, included the lost little one in Bette Midler’s big star diva pic The Rose.

Heartbreak Hotel, com David Keith.


But Playing Elvis as a character archetype – I noticed it first here


More recently. I noticed it here. like the day job isn’t enough

you also gotta be a rock star, eh?

A revised version of David Bowie’s Space Oddity, recorded by Commander Chris Hadfield on board the International Space Station. Composition: “SPACE ODDITY” W…



Elvis was the first and last entertainer the whole world could agree on.

Before him, no one had heard of being a rock star, now everyone wants to be one.




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5 Responses to The Elvis Archetype

  1. dykewriter says:

    facebook xtra

    Trudy Holzmann the last 3 photos in this is Elvis the rest is not some photo looks like Johhny Harra, ? even the guy on this photo is not Elvis just sayinh

    Nina K Tryggvason there are a number of different actors playing elvis featured in the blog post

    Bruce Campbell from Bubba ho tep is in there

    this is a bit of an artsy post on my blog – if there is anything that isn’t clear – let me know and I will be pleased to expand /edit

    the purpose of the post is to show how everyone impersonates Elvis and how deeply he is embedded in our global culture

    Trudy Holzmann Elvis truely is the best and i must agree there are some good Tribute artist out there, Shawn Klush and Cody Slaugther, my 2 favourites just briiliant . thanks for posting Nina K Tryggvason and have a nice day

    Nina K Tryggvason oh. I wasn’t writing about tribute. these are all hollywood actors who played Elvis or used Elvis as a way to create a character


  2. Pingback: Elvis Girlfriends: Ann Margaret | Nina's Soap Bubble Box

  3. Pingback: Covering Elvis Presley | Nina's Soap Bubble Box

  4. Pingback: Nixon vs Presley | Nina's Soap Bubble Box

  5. Pingback: World of Elvis: TV Fantasy | Nina's Soap Bubble Box

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