Subject Matters to Experts: Opinions Vary

Jean-Claude Van Damme compares gay relationships to bestiality

WTF?! I was just looking up bestiality, and it’s defined as sexual activities between human and non-human species. WTH does that have to do with same-sex relationships? We’re talking about sexual activities between consenting same-sex *human* males or females. Van Damme is talking about sexual activities between humans and either dogs, cats, or other non-human animals. Totally irrelevant.


it is the same old claims they have been using since the 1980s and before then even.

former President Bush the Elder was the first to use “family values” which means anti-LGBTQ,

The strategy is disgust – why “same sex marriage” was the phrase, rather than “same gender marriage” to invoke the image of anal sex, the heteromale framing of everything,

why do you think alien abductees fixate on probing?

as if aliens from across the universe would have nothing better to do, or anything to learn from that, eh?


I know. I remember the 80s, when people would get all paranoid about anything to do with sex. Often it was the religious nutcases that would get people worried and paranoid.


the 1980s was a paranoid decade

back then databases were as feared as aids

and now, people do the data entry

it was the 1930 comic books, 1950s rock n roll
1970s dungeons n dragons and 1980s video games and rock music again

all rolled into one, and now, it’s back again

Married five times, eh? Well, if he’s so religious, he should be aware of the Bible saying that his first wife is his only wife and the other women he’s married are four counts of adultry, a sin in that self-same Bible. He isn’t righteous, but instead, self-righteous, another sin.


this is the book where most of the men have concubines

and rape is courtship, not putting ring on it


Read my comment once again, Nina. I pointed out that he married five women. The Bible says that his first wife is his only wife, and to choose another is considered adultry. We’re not talking about concubines but chosen wives. Stop getting off the subject.

Your minor point of his 5 marriages and a demand for only your point to be considered, as you dismiss my larger point.

Your framework of the bible is dismissed as slave manual by my post, perhaps you should follow the conversation, not merely repeat your claim while demanding over consideration of your post and conferring none to the person’s post you presume to reply to.

Perhaps you should have read my comment, before repeating yours; so I did not have to subject you to dismissing yours again.

religion is mental illness, and no text are sacred and there is no magic dirt.


Your need to try to disprove my comment doesn’t lessen it’s truth but exposes your ignorance.


because your only point is you

religion is mental illness, you are no different than van damme
(the actual subject),

you keep pointing at your claim and not being capable of being told you are in error, or that your point is not sharp enough to have one.

so when you repeat your “point” again, I will apply the “Pale Male” label of further dismissal on you.

what is said is not as relevant as how you behave,


While I like Van Damme as an actor, he obviously doesn’t know a thing about homosexuality. He compares homosexuality to bestiality. WTF?!


being a performer does not make one informed


I agree. I’m sure there are plenty of well informed actors, who have worked with LGBTQ actors over the years, but that doesn’t mean that those actors like, or approve same-sex relationship, or even marriage.


given the queer history of theatre, which movies are modern techno evolution out of, it would be impossible for anyone in movies to not know that they knew queer people.

that said, Heston did Ben Hur without clue bout the queer subtext and the whole production knew it.

but I also meant that being an actor does not make a person an expert of matters outside of acting.

Study shows gay men may make the best fathers

There are, in fact, well over 150 studies of children of same-sex couples compared to children of opposite-sex couples that show similar results, including longitudinal studies that go back 20-30 years.

But don’t expect this to make any difference in the right-wing propaganda.


they prefer their “facts” in the alternative complimentary to reality category

Until they molest them


don’t worry, most molesting is good old dad or brothers of the daughter.or sister

and over generations, both labels apply

something like 7 girls for every 1 boy

religion is money for nothing with altar boys for free.


Disgusting creature. The reality is that proportionately and actually most child abuse – sexual or otherwise – is carried out by white heterosexual men. That is not an opinion or a silly claim made by morons designed to upset – it is a fact. I could point you to at least 40 separate studies, both in the USA and Europe, showing this to be true. But why should I do your work for you – look it up yourself. But then, that is not the reason for you saying what you said is it – you said that just to get a reaction – well there you are, you got a reaction.


In point of fact, I know of one instance in which a young man claimed that one of his gay male fathers had molested him, which was disputed by his sister. He pretty much shut up after he was called out.

Compared to the staggering incidence of molestation (and other abuse) in heterosexual families.


indeed, given divorce, spousal abuse and child abuse rapes

what did the heteros leave for queers to ruin marriage with?

if anything, we gave marriage merit again

it would be interesting to compared the lgbtq divorce rates to hetero ones in the nations where equality has been around for the last decade.

Since no gay person ever becomes a parent by accident, gay parents may be better prepared for parenthood.


lesbians and bisexuals can be raped with offspring as a result

and in America, would need permission from the rapist to abort and then be forced to share custody.

Lesbian extremists hijack Pride in London to insult transgender people



Lesbians appropriating everyone else’s hard work and ruining everyone else’s good time so that they can say “look at us, we are unhappy and we have issues”…who would have believed it?


Lesbians are the demographic that did a lot of the work

from roe v wade/pay equity in the 70s to AIDS in the 80/90s.

It is understandable why there are lesbian separatists

given the being ignored by the demographics we helped and were not helped in return.

and every demographic has issues, we need to work together

infighting LGBTQ only serves those who would oppress & genocide us all.

united we stand, divided we fall

lest we forget

Can anyone explain why both transmen and transwomen are in the “women” demographic

rendering lesbians terrible for lack of tolerance, but gay men are not held to an inclusive standard?

and why the “women” demographic is being denigrated by people seeking to considered women?

and why are “bisexuals” under attack over bigender attraction as terrible to trans?

monosexuality vs bigenderism

LGBTQ used to be gay and lesbian, then lesbigay with drag on the side and ignoring trans

Queer is a word that says other than heteronormative, and we need to get over these identity divisions, eh.

The harsh reality is that nothing can stop Trump’s Supreme Court nominee


They can go screw themselves. This court has the potential to do women, LGBT people, Latinos, and African-Americans a great deal of harm.


this court will do harm to all the demographics

and americans do not have to allow them to

protest, contact your government officials

prepare the general strike

and vote

Lest We Forget




There is some Alan Turing in all of us

the heteros need us to save them from themselves and everything again

Lest We Forget

Republicans blocked Obama for 2 years on the pretext of the upcoming election

now months from the mid-term, they are rushing to appoint, and they already broke the rule of law with their last one

why have they not been removed from office from within the government, who should not be waiting for the public to get over it’s apathy and itself?



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