The Manipulation of Empathy

‘Ex-lesbian’ who said going vegan cured her cancer dies from cancer

Vegan diet, with the added elimination of processed oil has been proven to cure all disease, slow the aging process, and reverse many effects of existing conditions. Every piece of cheese, cut of meat or drop of oil can immediately cause harm. Going fully vegan can and does cure cancer, although no doctors will ever use the word “cure” at the risk of losing the billions in cancer treatment money.

total woo nonesense.

this is the problem with “The Secret” and other wishful woo thinking that people do

Have you tried it or known anyone who has?

not that a personal anecdote is evidence

but yes, for 2 years I was vegan

and everyone I met who was vegan or vegetarian, was an asshole about it
worse than ex-drinkers and ex smokers

What was that about personal anecdotes, hypocritical female dog?

You have already defamed me by projecting your own poor standards, then you ask me a question, and that is your response?

Do you actually have to wonder why you are being told you are wrong and a troll with no valid view, no grip on reality and have no lawful business posting here?

You really need to review the international law on cyberbullying.

all while you are expecting to influence people.

religion and food abstaining are both mental illnesses.

I thought Matthew’s claims were so ludicrous that he must be joking. But apparently he is serious which is extremely disturbing.

One more dead christian? Awesome!!!!!

That’s a horrible thing to say.
LGBTQ community may despise religious folk (rightfully so) because of their homophobia and discrimination, but you can’t fight hatred with hatred. This woman should be pitied, not have her death celebrated. Shame on you.

it’s okay when people work out their karma

live by the stupid, die by the stupid

it is a bit much to expect the discriminated against to be emphatic to their oppressors

That’s awful. What if this was your sister, your daughter? What if this woman was a kind cashier or banker you worked with? You think it is fine to bash her life, and celebrate her death because she had a fantasy of God curing her? Disgusting.

again I say:

it is a bit much to expect the discriminated against to be emphatic to their oppressors

I return your disgust twofold

Oh, please. Who did she oppress? Did I miss something? Did she beat young lesbian Latinas or torture anyone? Is her testimony about what worked for her such a horrible thing to you?

you miss the point

and mock as if you have one

I return your disgust threefold

Now, that just didn’t make any sense at all. What’s the point? People who disagree with you deserve death?!

You are a disturbing person who would jump to that kind of conclusion, ignoring slander and libel laws, all while you would lecture me about empathy.

You mock the point you miss, so it is not surprising your lack of understanding.

don’t demand from others what you fail to extend.


Woo-Round Up 2015

WooWatch: AromaTherapy

Wooo Hoax Fraud

Skeptic Test: The Religion of atheism

Good Grief

Decoding Grief: Last Grandparent to Parentals

Grief is Complicated, not staged

How Grief Gets Complicated

Pet loss and grief

Elvis Fan Feature: Olof Adams


Part The Second

James Corden says how he’d explain gay relationships to his kids & it’s beautiful

little kids are not bothered by any demographic until they are taught to be

either by their parents, or how they observe society’s treatment of their parents


Shame on anyone for exposing an innocent child to Nina Trygg


Defamation, slander, libel and cyberbullying

you are not only in violation of international law

but also the social media platform user agreement


Why the nasty comment?

Why her nasty existence?

people like you make life that way

You should be happy, you met the woman of your dreams

your castration anxiety dreams, but nonetheless


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