Cartoon Syndicates: The Gender Gap Tooning vs OpEd

Doonesbury had Andy Lippincott, a law student when we met him and an adult lawyer who dies of AIDs after The Beach Boys Pet Sounds is released on cd format, inspiring Zonkers to do compassionate marijuna growing.

It was after that event, when For Better Or For Worse’s Laurence come out. US papers cancelled the strip, some moved it to the op-ed page.

Cathy and Shoe PornCathy and Irving

Previously, the Cathy cartoon had been shifted to Op-Ed as Andrea campaigned for Dukkais and people complained that a women’s cartoon was doing politics.

There are editorial cartoon and then there are panel strips and Doonesbury and Bloom County show a strip can be both.

Cathy and FashionCathy and Pie

But women’s voices got silences on issues that men get a pass for and are able to determine their work’s placement.

for a lot of people – those were the first gay people they knew that they knew. For Better or Worse freaked people out, because we’d watch Lawrence grow from a small boy and he could be anyone’s kid. which was the take away, eh.

Hup Two Washer Blues

In most strips the characters are frozen in age, in a seasonal cycle that repeats. Other strips, the characters age and they take us through our own life stages.

Nina and Mary Kary CommandosMercy its the revolution and Im in my barhrobe

Bloom County’s focus on Mary Kay forced the company to stop animal testing. The Smell o Toon was disgusting and still potent as of 2014.

Nina and Gay Comics 19 Alison Bechdel

I was blown away when I read that Dykes to Watch Out For could have been syndicated, but I understand the rules and tone downedness… making it for a straight rather than a lesbian audience…..

Nina and her Wendel

Dilbert: The Complete Series Review

This 2 season series is based on the newspaper comic strip. Scott Adams was the first stipper to put his email address and do a newsletter. He marketed the hell out of the cartoon. The tv series however was  different … Continue reading

Ninabert and Dilbert

Dykeworld: Alison Bechdel wins MacArthur Foundation ‘genius’ grant

In her comic strip, “Dykes to Watch Out For,” which ran from 1983 to 2008, she offered a basic metric used to illustrate just how male-dominated the film industry actually is. The test, which Bechdel coined in 1985 in a … Continue reading

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