80s Movies: Eddie and The Cruisers


Rockploitation films in the 80s returned to the 50s with La Bamba and Dirty Dancing as the big hits of the genre.

Eddie and The Cruisers is an enduring cult fave and one of the most hysterical arguments I have with people is that this movie is based on a novel. It is not real.

There was a dowop band called The Cruisers – but there was never an actual Eddie.


it taps into our unwillingness to let go of our idols and how perhaps creativity cannot exist without the emotional pathos.


Eddie and The Cruisers Michael Pare 1 Michael Pare 2 Michael Pare 3


It hits us in that outside longing to be in, tough in public and vulnerable in private.


Michael Pare was one of my fave 80s’ actors, the Eddie sequel is a miss – but Streets of Fire is another 80s cult flick he starred in and The Manhatten Project was a great govt conspiracy lovers across time popcorn flick.



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7 Responses to 80s Movies: Eddie and The Cruisers

  1. dykewriter says:

    Stephen Tighe it wasn’t a great movie, and michael pare’ wasn’t a great actor, but i liked this movie…

    Nina K Tryggvason he was pretty and the music was good. it wasn’t high art it was a teenbopper flick

    Stephen Tighe i liked Streets of Fire too…with Pare’, Willem Dafoe, and Diane Lane….

    Nina K Tryggvason Manhattan project with nancy allen. yup. he had a short run


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  7. Noora Pac says:

    It was “The Philadelphia Experiment”, not Manhattan.


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