RIP: Glen Larson the man who coined “frak”

Glen A. Larson, the television writer-producer who created ‘Battlestar Galactica,’ among many other hits, died on Friday at the age of 77.
In the original 1970s Battlestar Galactica they had 2 swear words – Frak and Felgercarb. Frak was mean and used equivalent to damn, hell and shit. With Felgercarb being their F-bomb – Fuck.
When the reboot happened, they weren’t going to use the childish words, until they remembered it was an invented word that already passed the censors and it’s HOW it’s said not so much WHAT is said.
Thanks Glen Larson for Frak.
Not to be confused with Fracking which is what we are doing to our watersheds and really…. Wot’s the Fucking Fricking Fracking Difference?
 Remember. all swear words arise from:
  1. body functions of excretion
  2. sex
  3. religion


They are one of the most delicious of the tabooiness that all ages can enjoy.

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