Lezflirt: Bisexuality Exists, eh

decades of social change and the more things stay the same, eh.

Quirk Sugarplum

Well, it’s hard to tell if it’s wrong since he’s not doing it at all.

nina tryggvason
which is the wrongest way to adult, eh

This is why I don’t regret coming out as bisexual in my 20sMy coming out as bi wasn’t there to please anyone, let alone certain straight men who filter any woman’s experience through their own gaze.

Quirk Sugarplum

Sigh. Stories like this never fail to make me so, so, sooooo happy for women today.  In my ancient era — and still now where I live — such things weren’t doable. Slow, steady progress. Never going back. 

nina tryggvason –

bisexual used to be deemed tourists to the queer community, and was the best way to not have a date on saturday night. indeed, eh

1990s when kd lang, Melissa Etheridge and Ellen were the the 15 mins of lesbian chic in the 1990s

1990s march against racism, eh. ethnic bigotry in an era where only decadent white people were gay or lesbian, as if the rest of the community was not on the down low at the edge of or hidden inside to allow heteros to accept the most straight appearing to claim that we’re the same, just happen to be gay, when queer is in fact, different.

vancouver lesbian centre closed after 10 years in the 1990s, without a community replacement

the lesbian avengers, queer nation and act up : the grassroots groups of the 1990s

police vs LGBTQ2: community policing to pride parades; still an issue today

queer media and queer spaces, volunteers need to live and eat too, and there is enough wealth in the community for us to have spaces and services for the community

rights mean being able to go about one’s lawful business without interference or barriers to services, eh

when “gay and lesbian” included bisexual and we were “lesbigay”

before LGBT became LGBTQ and in Canada, LGBTQ2, eh

nina notes for the 2019 blog, drag and trans are intentionally not included in this 1990s flashback , to make the greater point, at this juncture – queer needs to include asexuals and kinky heteros,

revisited: Bis and Gals | Nina’s Soap Bubble BoxMy early romances were, well, all over the map. But, I wouldn’t trade that crush on any woman who happened along phase for anything – it was an exciting if exhausting time. And, I learned a lot. No…dykewriter.wordpress.com

A lesbian friend of mine tried to set me up with a friend of hers. I say tried, because she’d brought this gal along to a group outing without telling me it was a set up.

The gal was in a relationship with a man (living together) and was thinking she might be bi.

She was very confused since the people she talked to the boyfriend and our mutal friend both wanted her to pick sides. The boyfriend obviously wanted her to be straight, while the lesbian friend refused to believe in bisexuals and tried to influence her to be a lesbian.

And that’s where I came in. We talked, we danced and had a fun time – and when she was leaving the dance, I walked her outside to wait for her ride home to arrive.

She was nervous to be alone, and being the generous sort that I am, I put the cards on the table.

“Do you want me to kiss you now or when your roommate comes for show?”

“Now” she said, “I don’t want an audience.”

I was happy to be her first girl kiss, and it was pretty magical.

But then, she felt guilty and admitted that it was her roommate and her boyfriend who were due to arrive.

I told her that I had known, that our mutual lesbian friend had explained the situation to me.

I asked her if she was willing to leave the guy to explore her new identity and she said no.

I asked her if she’s given up other men for him – of course she said

So why does it matter if you’re happy with him that you’ve also given up women?

The relief that flooded her face and body was amazing.

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1 Response to Lezflirt: Bisexuality Exists, eh

  1. Pingback: The Queer Bisexual Perception | Nina's Soap Bubble Box

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