Prayer and Delivery

Trump’s new faith initiative raises concerns among LGBT advocates


Freedom From Religion

when do we want it?

last century


If you don’t accept God in your life you are lost. I pray that one day God and you will be on good terms.


so, to your omnipotent god needs prayers are like “likes”?

perhaps you should try relationship with reality

and not use applied science to spread bronze godbottery



If the West did not formulate the concept of “one true God” at one point in our development, then it would never have set the stage for the Enlightenment and the scientific concept of “objective truth”. So science is a product of our journey with God.

Science tells us about the world and the God narrative tell us how to interact in that world. There is no conflict between the two. Both are tools for perception of our environment and how to deal with it. To help solve or address the mysteries of life.

Our legal system is formulated from the texts that are held sacred and holy from the Judea-Christian background. Part of our journey with God too.

I pray because it makes me calm and opens my mind up to contemplate issues and answers to my daily life.

God will be there for you if you reach out. If not, that’s ok too.


which god would that be? the abrahmic trilogy has so many versions

and all religions, have the same zero evidence

if your god was real and powerful, why do you have to pray to it?


The God concept is a big mystery. How can we put a name on something that is too vast for us to even comprehend?

I’ll pray to God to deliver a vibrator to you, so your not always so uptight and unhappy.


so, when it doesn’t show up

that puts paid to your god

and demonstrates the efficacy of prayer.

perhaps less reaching out with and waving the phallus about, eh?

‘Ex-gays’ humiliated in DC when no one showed up for their big rally

What a sad group of people. Imagine surviving the Pulse massacre and then choosing to align yourself with the “Activist Mommy.” The poor guy must still be very traumatized.


it’s the distressed person being told they were saved by Jesus for reason, to live to be hetero and finally accepted.

when it was mostly just the physics of the space and crisis response.

religion is mental illness.


Or not very bright to begin with. Or perhaps he was already “ex-gay” before the massacre, and he was one of the (numerous) “ex-gays” who still prowl the bars and clubs looking for gay hookups. Shh! If we keep quiet about what we’re doing, Jesus will never know!


yup, and Queer Nation was right, out them and don’t hook up with them.


I wouldn’t out them….. I would befriend them ….and encourage them toward honesty.

I don’t think anyone has the right to reach into another person’s private thoughts or private life and force them to disclose. No matter how confused, inconsistent or hypocritical that person may be.

At least this should apply to private people. Public leaders are in a different category. Their hypocrisy should definitely be exposed.


there you go, being all reasonable.

back in the Queer Nation day, I said politics, and let celebs have pass, forced role models are none all and lawmakers were causing social harm.

now, I am 50 and cranky that settled civil rights are somehow still a question for anyone.


Cynthia Nixon’s new campaign slogan is ‘Vote for the homo, not for Cuomo’


As I stated somewhere else. If Cuomo were to reverse this slogan, people would be up in arms. But her using it is ok I guess?



the original Cuomo slogan was that,

Nixon’s is the reversal in the present day

as much as I liked “unqualified lesbian”, that is so much more historically hysterical

did you not read the article?

“The slogan is a twist on an infamous anti-gay slogan New York Governor Andrew Cuomo coined for his father’s campaign in 1977 against former New York City mayor Ed Koch. Cuomo has denied his role in creating posters that read “Vote for Cuomo, not the homo.” ”

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