The Politics of Personal Identity Personified

Identifiable Celebrity vs Actor of Demographic

Person of Interest vs Person

Why transgender activists want people to boycott the film ‘Anything’

What people never seem to understand re: issues like this is that audiences will go to see Matt Bomer in a role like this rather than an unknown transgender actor or actress. No studio is going to shell out millions of dollars to make a film that that will tank because no one will see it.
Are they protesting to keep people from seeing the film? If so, they’re cutting off their noses to spite their faces. America is still adjusting to the idea of transgender people, it’s films like this that will slowly clear the way for real transgender actors to finally he recognized.


straights portray gays and lesbians and bisexuals in movies and tv too

and too few celebs can or have tried to be out on the way up

and very few come out once “there”

I supported outing politicians because they do damage
back in the Queer Nation days

it takes the groups with privileged to be out and then the middle class follows

there was a time when queer was something only decadent white people did

and now there is visible diversity in the LGBTQ community is wonderful

and beyond about past time too.

that homo sapiens exist in all ethnicity with sexuality being a normal variation in humans, instincts passed down and behaviours learned.

not to mention queerness occurring in 1,500 other species, known to science since the 1960s and not reported because of public religious sentiment;

but in 2018, I see now the harm of that lack of role models

and America’s decline of 20 years of “reality tv” and people thinking that is okay

Get over it! Men have played women, women have played men. It’s called ACTING!


representation and inclusion, you should learn some

and get over yourself.

Did it bother you when Felicity Huffman played a transwoman in Transamerica, being a woman herself ?
The movie was good; the acting was on point, thats all that should matter. Im sorry but i believe you dont need to be trans yourself to give a good representation of a trans character.

If Matt Boomer did a good job, i wont have any complaint. If he acted the role bad, then yes


It did. Same as the trans character on Coronation Street.

because a straight person is playing “trans”

while a transperson is acting the character.

I am not trans, I am a dyke ally, but mostly I am a Canadian.

In Canada, we only riot over hockey games, not that other people exist.

so if you are supporting movies about trans, why not support the people themselves?




A cis man playing a trans woman just reinforces the stereotype that a trans woman is a man in a dress. A cis woman playing a trans woman is bad, yes, but not to that degree, because she’s still a woman.



The Canadian indie film “Better than Chocolate” has a trans character played by a heterosexual male who even performs an excellent song called “Transgendered heart -‘m not a fucking drag queen”



Hollywood invariably targets the lowest common denominator, which usually means playing to and reinforcing stereotypes. For a trans actress to be told she doesn’t “look trans enough” is sickeningly reminiscent of stories we heard back in the 60s, 70s and beyond of intelligent, articulate black actors being rejected for roles because they weren’t “black enough.”

Bomer is a god actor, and I’ve always had the impression he’s an intelligent one. He really should have had sense enough not to take this role. How could he not know that portraying a trans woman as nothing more than “a man in a dress” plays into one of the right wing’s most vicious stereotypes? I guess I’m giving him too much credit for brains.


If he is doing it right, you’ll forget he’s a man in a dress. That is what acting is about. Now, if there is a legit trans star who can do the role, I say go for it. The problem is in order for movies like this to get mainstream attraction, they want to cast stars. What about casting Laverne Cox? She’s a legit trans star!


“If he is doing it right, you’ll forget he’s a man in a dress.” Jolson, back in the 20s and 30s, was considered the best entertainer in the world. Do you really think anybody ever forgot he was a white guy in blackface?


You forget what “blackface” was about. Or perhaps you didn’t know? It was a form of entertainment where white actors used makeup to represent a caricature of a black person. In particular they used it to represent racial stereo types. I don’t believe that is the intent of this film. Please don’t create false equivalences. I truly believe their intent is to provide some insight using some credible actors who could attract mainstream audiences. Eventually, we want to see trans actors, and gay actors, lesbian, gender non-conformant. However, acting is not representing yourself. Acting is representing a character with whom you may not have much in common.


did you ever see GW Griffith’s

did you ever see GW Griffith’s “Broken Blossoms: the Yellowman and the Flowergirl?

It’s set in England and has an unrequited romance between a Chinese Man and a British Guttersnipe played by Lillian Gish.

they had an extremely anglo-saxon man playing the title named man.


so the intent is to make the idea tolerable to a hostile audience, and it reinforces the stereotypes and social racism

what you are saying is that hetero audiences need to have a greater distance between what they are viewing, to another level of removal saftey protected from seeing what they are supposedly learning sensitivity about?

I saw the Oscared Aids movie Philadelphia with Tom Hanks and Antonio Banderas playing a supposed loving couple who did dance but did not kiss. and The Crying Game in mainstream theatres with mainstream audiences. and I’ve seen queer films at art house theatres and movie festivals with queer and non-mainstream audiences.

instead of making a movie where the audience is being represented and seeing someone like them on screen, is a queer movie

how is it okay for a hetero to portray a queer

in a culture where it is still only okay to be one

supposed to educate anyone?


Bob Hope and Benny Hill and how many others for decades in dresses making fun of queers for straights or subtexting code for part of the audience.

Men in dresses was how men where threatened to be masculine and queers made fun of – and women demeaned as well, as if female is negative.

You don’t seem to understand how widespread the image of these behaviors, words and symbols really are.

That he is doing it at all is the full stop, otherwise we participating in our own erasure and invisibility.

and really, it’s saying yet again that only hetero men are allowed to do anything

and no one else anything, even represent themselves or speak for themselves.

so when do these things calls rights have meaning?



I’d rather see a person acting than a person acting a demographic acting

the audience deserves to see itself represented and not merely tokens for mainstream

heteros need to learn to share the public space and cultural representation


Sadly, we are outnumbered so if heteros can’t learn to share the public space an cultural representation, then we are left without these movies. It’s basic economics.

Also, I think we are confused with what art forms are. They were never intended to be about representation. I am a gay Puerto Rican man who loves opera. I don’t know many of those around and I will probably die without ever seeing myself being represented on screen. I’m fine with that. Our lives don’t always align with what we see on the screen. We just have see part of ourselves and empathize with these characters.


in canada and america, the population mimics what’s on screen

and for many decades, for many people in rural areas, movies and tv where their only contact with queer anything, negative as it was for the first century of movies. Check out The Celluloid Closet or Lavender Screens.

Rock Hudson’s Home Movies is fantastic.

art is mostly over, reproduction and mass delivery made content meaningless.


Queers are some portion of all populations.

and all queers, whereever they are,

should be applying to Canada for refugee status as a persecuted class of citizen under our humanitarian laws.

let’s make one nation a queer majority for the first time

given Canada is 10% of America’s population.

if half of American queers moved north, eh.
let’s make Canada the first nation with a larger than statistical population


Twitter loved this gay math problem for all the right reasons


thanks LGBTQ, this is totally the feel good news item needed this day

numbers and measurables, value loaded language calculated

VAT really isn’t equivalent to a sales tax. First, the VAT is built into the price, so consumers are mostly unaware. Second, it is based, not on a percentage of the sale price, but the difference between what the seller purchased it for and the value he added to it. So, if the seller bought the piece for £100, marked it up to £190. the VAT would be based on the £90 increase, not the £190 cost. Without know the original cost to the store, one has a two-variable problem and there are not single value solutions for two-variable problems. The solution would be a graph with the VAT as an inverse value of the cost. So, for example, if the seller got the piece for free, the VAT basis would be zero and the price minus the VAT would be £190 ( ((S – C) x 0.135) + C = V + C, where C = Aquisition Cost, and S = Retail Sale Price, V = amount of VAT). However, if the shop sold it at cost, the cost would be £215.65 as the VAT would be zero as £215.65 – £215.65 = 0 and anything, even 1.135 x 0 is 0.


you missed the story part of the math problem.



I know. I thought the ending of Brokeback Mountain was a real bummer. Those two men LOVED each other. Somehow love just isn’t enough when the writer is heterosexual.


yeah, that movie was for hets and going back to the era of movies where queers had to die or return to the hetero fold after their queer lover dies to save them to restore heteronormality. the way that people watch reality tv to feel better than others.

the short story writer regretted allowing it to be made into a movie so long after the story itself.

why the queer movies are back to coming out in earlier decades

as if things are good and nice now. deflect the shame and avoid responsibility.

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  1. Pingback: Something to smile about – April 22, 2018 | Nina's Soap Bubble Box

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