LezFlirt: Prince Not So Charming

It's a Boy The Future Figurehead King


A boy born to take over the family business of being figureheads, far away from any ghetto.


Chuck n Di Carriage RideChuckles n Camilla

Royalty Watch – England, UK – CommonWealth Edition


Prince Charles, who’s main occupation is waiting for his mother to die, so he has relevance – is spending his time on various lecture circuits.


LONDON — Prince Charles is taking his unusual views on health, previously described as “witchcraft” and “quackery,” to the United States
Prince Charles was a highly sought after Prince on the royalty market and famously married the last virgin in the land.
It was one of those old school rules that applied then; it was how the medievalians could feel okay about the line of succession.
Prince Charles married Lady Diana in the first globally televised royal wedding. They produced the Heir and The Spare.
William Windsor and Harry Hewitt.
In my best Joan Rivers “Oh Grow Up”
They famous divorced and she scandalously died in such a horrifying mundane manner that even the most reasonable of person couldn’t help but consider, for a moment, a conspiracy.
Charles was then free to marry Camilla.
Okay – this is the romance fail – nothing tampony or pants or crotch related is romantic. Seriously Men think above the boobs on the woman.
NOW – this is where every woman who is into men at any degree at all should totally adore Charles for:
he is the only man who dumped young, blonde and pretty for older, dumpy and horse faced.
Phone lines were tampered with at a house where Prince Charles is believed to have had secret liaisons with Camilla Parker Bowles while still married to Diana, it was revealed yesterday. The discovery…
For me, the epic Charlie fails are none of these things.
It was telling the youth of England to expect to stay in their class and not be rock stars, movie stars or sports stars.
That is a DISGUSTING thing for a person born in the pole position to say to other people.
Royalty is incompatible with democracy.
Why are we paying for figureheads and then duplicating that in the colonies of Canada and Australia?




The best part of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford admitting he’s been having an affair – with tax payer dollars, no less! – with a mysterious woman named “Maria”? The fact that some of the love…



Diana’s death was the first royal funeral globally broadcast and her death, actually did break the internet.

The most 56K connections overwhelmed the royal family server.

Diana’s funeral made the death of Mother Teresa almost unnoticed on the media and for the public.


The saga of the Prince of Wales and Camilla Parker Bowles’ relationship has spanned more than three decades and two marriages.
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