Remembering the Slain, not the murderer

I was driving and tuned into the radio. When I heard about a campus shooting, I thought, “Where in the USA did that happen?”

The story ended, the songs and commercials played. Then the news repeated and I heard it from the start. Canada. Quebec. Montreal. École Polytechnique

a man entered the engineering class, ordered the men out… and they left… then he shot the women.

some of the men couldn’t take it and killed themselves I read later

I had to pull over and stop the engine. I couldn’t beleive it. I couldn’t breath. I had to just sit for a long time absorbing that this was imported to Canada.

If I recall correctly, that same year or within a short time, New Zealand saw a public shooting in a tourist town and Scotland… I can barely type the words… had that man who murdered the children he’d been molesting so they couldn’t tell.

2012 montreal massacre 3rd floor class-500x375

Texas Watertower reverbs around the world

politechnique-memorial backpostcard dec6memorial-blog December 6

Further reading:



even more reading:

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