Raw Recovery Specialist on Triggers

perspective is not always subjective


Raw Recovery Specialist


the reason why not reading the news reduces your stress

is because most news printed is bad

something bad happened to someone or someone is trying to do something bad

anyone who’s in a demographic group that is not valued by society

feels it

when your main demographic group is reviled, excluded and subjected to discrimination deemed not only socially acceptable because other people have rights

no one has the right to hate or push that hate onto anyone else

we have the right to exist

we have the right to pursue happiness

we have the right to equality under the law

we have the entitlement to be treated like people

people who are mentally healthy are not bothered by the fact that other people exist

people who are mentally healthy do not try to make other people miserable

people who are socially capable know they have no business trying to control other people they know, never mind blocks of strangers

why are we all acting like

these haters should be tolerated?

when they are the obstructionists causing the problems?

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