Freedom From Religious Freedom

Supreme Court punts again on religious ‘freedom’ to discriminate against gay couples

Republicans obstructed President Obama for two years from appointing to the Supreme Court, then President Pussy Grabber broke the rules of the appointment process for yet another dangerously unqualified appointee.

RIP America, from pursuing happyness to a theocracy.

Lest We Forget

The door to our rights was opened with the Stonewall riots, then kicked wide open with the assassination of Harvey Milk. As the old saying goes, once a door is opened, it can never be shut again. Yes, the opposition will try to close it but all their attempts will ultimately fail because we have a fast growing number of heterosexuals that are siding with us and see that if our rights can be taken away, theirs can be treated the exact same way.


I understand what you’re trying to say, but also remember the vibrant and fully active gay movement of the Weimar Republic was totally eradicated and many of its lights brutally murdered by Hitler and his ilk, so, yes, doors can be opened, closed or just kicked in and inhabitants gunned down.


Lest We Forget



first one nation, then another

Canada’s Toronto Bathhouses 1980s to military service 1990s to marriage equality 2000s

from nations to the UN, and now there’s almost 30 nations were being queer is not capitol offense.

” and see that if our rights can be taken away, theirs can be treated the exact same way.”

back in the 1990s, queers were told it would be expensive to give us rights

which does means rights are determined by cost effective for all demographics, and can be taken away at any time

we were also told, there was not enough of us, another argument lacking merit

if rights are for a person, then the only number needed is one

further, the lack of actual counting of us, means that our numbers are unknown

and, now that queer is not something that only white decadent people do, it is not a choice when queer occurs in all ethnic demographics, and even if it was a choice, that is what rights do, enable choices within the personal sovereignty sphere

rights, withheld or denies, demonstrates they are not self evident or inalienable

If any one want to use their BS religious freedom to hold me back. I will use my belief in evolution that says they are garbage and give them a hard time.


you do not believe in evolution

you accept it because there’s evidence and a profession with actual expertise

whereas, religion is the original pyramid scheme
money for nothing and altar boys for free

we have to get away from using one word to mean different things

faith is belief absent of evidence, science proceeds from evidence to conclusions

science is questions that may not be answered
while religion is an answer that may not be questioned


“Science is questions that may not be answered while Religion is an answer that may not be questioned”

That’s marvelous — fair warning, I’m stealing that.


please do, and it’s not mine

it’s an atheist community skeptic bumper sticker

meme away

and I just double checked and it’s a paraphrase:

“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.”

― Richard Feynman


Questions that are forbidden to be asked.


another proof that religion is mental illness

it’s the protecting of cognitive dissonance to the point of genocide


The day the world realized Melania Trump is no better than her husband

she is the most absentee first lady and the first one to use the office to sell a brand

The Founding Fathers feared Robber Barrons buying the office

they would not know how to cope with President Draft Dodger, Tax Avoider, Bankrupt x 6, married x3 reality tv host magazine spankee/pussy grabber.


They sure as hell would know what to do. He’d be removed from office by any legal means possible.


revolution was not beyond them either, eh



Well, you and all the others who despise this POTUS and his wife should be worried about 2020 because the Dems haven’t a soul of a chance unless they can run a competitive candidate whom they don’t have now. They’re too busy, along with the media, complaining about Trump.


your FLOTUS is vile and the republicans should all be arrested for crimes against humanity

your president will not be America’s first King, but the first president charged with treason

I am not an American


So, you’re not an American. Wow, explains a lot!


you are American, so not to you

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