Heritage vs Lives


I remember being told that the Egyptian Sphinx didn’t have a nose because Napoleon’s troops used it for target practice, but it was lost earlier.


The destruction of antiques is self annihilation and a crime against humanity. Persia was the first multicultural civilization that tolerated everyone under a unified safe border and extensive trade network.

Perhaps the people who seek to live in a pre-literate and literal state should congregate on unoccupied ground and squat; see how that works out for them.

Those who seek to live in symbolic, representational and in celebration of what humanity can accomplish – astonishing cities, awe inspiring public works and artisan crafts and crafted arts.

Photographs, descriptions, videos and all the scans in the world do not replace the actual objects or locations.

even if we built a wall, people who didn’t want to work and play well on one side and the other for those of us who are willing… paranoia about what’s going on on the other side of the wall. eventually curiosity or unwilling to leave the other side alone, prevails, the walls come down

War, More Than ISIS, Is Destroying Syria’s Ancient Sites

National GeographicNov 25, 2015
(Learn more about places damaged and destroyed by ISIS.) … to some misunderstandings about the scope of the antiquities crisis in the region, …

They were destroyed by the Taliban. But now the giant Buddha

PRIJun 11, 2015
The historic Buddhas of Bamiyan statues have made a return to the … The Taliban thought it had destroyed one of the world’s wonders, the …
Afghanistan: Buddhas of Bamiyan resurrected as laser projections
International Business Times UKJun 12, 2015

the thing about history, it repeats until we learn from it, eh


Turkey & EU refugee flow deal


meanwhile, 147 nations sit down in Paris for Climate Change talks, as in admitting the climate has in fact changed, which will result in less land and far more migration, including the loss of current day cities and sites.

technology, making the world smaller in more ways than one, eh?


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