Dear Agoraphobic Diary for May 29, 2014

I didn’t know it was Melissa Etheridge’s birthday today.

That celeb name drop to aquire more search engine hits aside; today is a special day in Raw Recovery Specialist Zone.


Today was the first day that I was nonplussed about going to Vancouver. I have not *had* to go there since August 2011.


The first time it didn;’t bother me to be in that most hated part of the GVRD.


Having to drive through 3 police jurisdictions to get there is bothersome enough.


Vancouver and New Westminster have municipal forces, while all points around it are RCMP.


Surrey stupidly sabre rattling their uniform me too ish blues after being gifted with the new RCMP HQ within it’s boundaries, instead of the more logical federally to have occupied the base that the Department of Defence had reno’ed just before that base got shut down.

Someone should compare the crime rates of cities with military bases to crime rates. I am pretty sure that the crime rates of Chilliwack dropped after the base closed and the sexual violence, random serial killer conduct and other violence drops.


the local legit economy sufferes though.


and the lowermainland suffers the most because here was something that was never considered.


That base was a primary source of help in the event of a mass disaster


people should expect to have up to three weeks supply in their house in case of a disaster because that is how long – AT A MINIMUM – that official help will arrive.


part of disaster response failure is high level decisions that do not factor for them


all while providing emergency preparedness and business resumption planning


but what can we expect when the Conservatives put young earth creationist Stockwell Day in charge of that.


a guy who thinks disasters are god’s punishments….. how much money is he going to spend of your money to thwart his god’s will exactly?



this is the problem when the supernatural that does not clearly communicate it’s expectations and rules relies on such unreliable narrators as mere humans.

I cannot reconcile this religious idea that we are an imperfect image of a perfect being who cannot be wrong.


perhaps that god feeling in our brains is just that moment when we resolve the cognitive dissonance from what we know to what we experience – to position ourselves to say


rather than the usual conservative don’t get caught with a live boy or a dead girl.


anyone who twinges on the idea that the living boy is more of a scandal than a DEAD girl already groks and doesn’t need this tweak patch.


Anyway. While it was easy to go to Vancouver, my purpose for going was a difficult reflection and realization.,

I have gained 10 pounds in the last month.


I have remained vegetarian and it’s become difficult. I really do not miss eating other mammals. I kinda miss gravy though. But there’s enough other kinds of sauces. so not a big, eh?

Where I have backside is a physical collapse, with the emotional matters being managed. I have an effective anti anxiety med, but more than that. fewer daily anxieties.


I have added more grains and other carbs as depression eating. So reworking through some food issues while working on trigger management.


Being reactive rather than responsive.


As someone who was an extrovert to the point of being an admitted media whore. learning to be an agoraphobic introvert is hard

especially when I haven’t been able to enjoy reading and I have become quite astonished that I can read better without wearing my glasses than with them. in 2012, I went for a hearing test was was told my hearing was excellent for a person a decade younger than me.


I was the covergirl on Vancouver’s original and home grown queer newspaper in 1992 as Santa Dyke. My first experience as being cheesecake. Funny that even that didn’t occur to me, at 44 I looked over my photo albums and was shocked to see what a cute baby dyke that I was in university. I wish I had come out then!


I was also outted that year on page 1 of the major Canada daily newspaper The Vancouver Sun as a lesbian and wow. I have to say, I was glad that I was already on my way to therapy when I picked that up at the newsstand.


I got interviewed for an article about Kim Campbell, then the Federal Justice Minister under the actual Tory party – WHICH NO LONGER EXISTS! Stop calling The Harper Party of Canada the Tories mainstream media.


hoodie vs justice


Memory Lane Flashbacks!

NIna and Gewn Jacobs march

I went to cover the first Gwen Jacobs march in Vancouver in the early 1990s, and ended up joining and on the national evening news.

I was topless, but I put AIDS awareness stickers over my nipples.

seriously, never do that. put a barrier down.. removal was less than fun, eh?

See also:

Justice Robes vs Hoodie





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