Google Blocking Access Again

Google has suspended my account until October 16.

Once again, I am told I posted something that was not okay

which, since it’s Google searches that yield the links

You violated policy and a link to a policy page, rather than the actual policy

or the actual problem post


just 2 weeks blocked.. what’s my incentive to go back to google?

Dear Google re: Search Engine

Google is Discriminatory

Google Eviled

Google is Evil

Dealing with Trolls on Google #

Googleing Answers

Rats reveal more about life than Google AI, eh?

Places I google mapped before my own address

I Pwned Google

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23 Responses to Google Blocking Access Again

  1. thefeatheredsleep says:

    Let’s see what Julian Asange has on Hillary on Wednesday, expect the internet to crash! 😉


    • dykewriter says:

      as much as I like him, people need to remember that the Supreme Court and the very functioning of government is at stake. this is not about people grandstanding and he might find his offer to turn himself in for Manning happening fast.

      Liked by 1 person

      • thefeatheredsleep says:

        I agree. I admire him in some ways but I’m with you that it can compromise the function of very important aspects of our Government(s) and it’s not as simple as releasing truth. I wish it were.

        Liked by 1 person

      • dykewriter says:

        there was also those rape charges… not something to be forgotten, eh.

        Liked by 1 person

      • thefeatheredsleep says:

        Right? I’m not sure what to make of them. Typically I would assume he was guilty because most rape charges are honest, but then again I’m not beyond believing they were trumped up to ensnare him?

        Liked by 1 person

      • dykewriter says:

        sex sandals are fairly standard ways that governments use to discredit opponents… however … the purer one is in public, the pervier in private and people who think they are entitled dot dot dot… if it was a trap, he was stupid and if it was true, then typical really. cue Movie of the Week.

        Liked by 1 person

      • thefeatheredsleep says:

        Exactly. And I agree, in private the degree of perversion knows no bounds, and it’s hideous to imagine how much worse it actually is than reported. The secret good ole boys club hiding the worst of the worst. Reminds me of that episode in Prime Suspect with Helen Mirren about paedophile rings.

        Liked by 1 person

      • dykewriter says:

        the US federal government was found guilty in civil court of killing Martin Luther King Jr – and they also tried to create mistresses as sex scandals for him.

        Liked by 1 person

      • thefeatheredsleep says:

        Exactly. I guess I’m a bit of a conspiracy buff in that I do think some of the ‘convenient deaths’ were not so random but actually, part of a larger plan. I expect there are a small group of extremely influential people who are the puppet masters.

        Liked by 1 person

      • dykewriter says:

        I was reluctant to accept conspiracy concepts in government, until I was the target of one.

        Liked by 1 person

      • thefeatheredsleep says:

        I was initially reluctant too – it’s good to be skeptical even of the skeptics 😉 What was the conspiracy you were involved in?


      • dykewriter says:

        Bill C-51 continues to prevent me from explaining why I am agoraphobic with PTSD.


      • dykewriter says:

        Hunter S Thompson promoted an idea that the Republican Party was behind child abductions and sex rings to blackmail politicans. and control them.

        Liked by 1 person

      • thefeatheredsleep says:

        Good lord, well anything is possible. I rather like Hunter S Thompson (The Heart is a Lonely Hunter being a favorite book of mine) so who knows? I do think there are sex-rings and child-sex-rings everywhere you find power and men. 😦 People don’t take it seriously which I cannot BELIEVE because what is more important than trying to save women and children from this?

        Liked by 1 person

      • dykewriter says:

        while western women are told to shut up and be glad that they got rights and it’s racist to say that theocratic nations are bad for women… until we admit men are the problem and some men deal with it.. that’s the way things are. exploited with a smile

        Liked by 1 person

      • thefeatheredsleep says:

        Yes so true. I think you really hit the nail on the head here. Just because you are a Western Woman doesn’t mean you don’t have the right to say when things aren’t good. Yes comparatively westerners have it easier but that does not DIMINISH their suffering and we cannot compare cultures when it comes to seeking justice in our own I believe. Exploited with a smile is right!

        Liked by 1 person

      • dykewriter says:

        It was an argument that I had with a male high school teacher, who lacked the insight to understand the irony back in the 1980s


      • dykewriter says:

        There is a need for National Security and he is the new lone gunman in the digital era. instead of bullets, bullet pointed talking points

        Liked by 1 person

      • thefeatheredsleep says:

        Exactly and they can do as much damage sometimes good and necessary, sometimes not if lives are compromised and lost


  2. Pingback: WTF Google? | Nina's Soap Bubble Box

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  4. Pingback: Happy 20th Birthday Google | Nina's Soap Bubble Box

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